stop_do_not_copy.jpg Share via Share via... Twitter Facebook Pinterest × Size of this preview: 290 × 44 pixels. Other resolutions: 29 × 4 pixels 72 × 11 pixels 145 × 22 pixels 217 × 33 pixels 290 × 44 pixels sask:towns:estevan:stop_do_not_copy.jpg ( 290 × 44 pixels ) Informations Date:2017/05/31 16:41Filename:stop_do_not_copy.jpgFormat:JPEGSize:4KBWidth:290Height:44 References for Aircraft Sales CompanyVancouver Aircraft Sales Ltd.Associated Air TaxiBC Air Lines Ltd.British Columbia Airways LimitedAir Caledonia Inc.Conair Aviation Ltd.Canadian Pacific AirlinesPacific Airways Ltd.Pacific Western Airlines Ltd.Queen Charlotte AirlinesAirline CompaniesTrans Provincial AirlinesWestern Straits AirWestinghouse AirwaysPatricia Bay- Catalina GraveyardSea IslandAirport-Seaplane BasesCorporate AircraftBC Tel - TelusNorthern Mountain HelicoptersOkanagan Helicopters Ltd.Quantum Helicopters Ltd.Helicopter CompaniesTranswest Helicopters (1965) Ltd.Vancouver Island HelicoptersFirst Around The World FlightBristol Type 170 FreighterBA Concord and Red ArrowsAircraft Misc.Associated Aero ServicesAircraft Repair ShopsBC Aviation HistoryBC Tel, Clerical DivisionBC Tel- Clerical- AssigningBC Tel- Clerical- Bar & Svc Center RepsBC Tel- Clerical- DraftingBC Tel- Clerical- Outside Depts- KitimatBC Tel- Clerical- Phone Mart- KitimatBC Tel- Clerical- Network ClerksBC Tel- Clerical- Phone Mart- TerraceBC Tel- Clerical- Outside Depts- QCI, Pr. RupertBC Tel- Clerical- Sales DepartmentBC Tel- Clerical- Outside Depts- SmithersBC Tel- Clerical- Phone Mart- SmithersBC Tel- Clerical- Outside Depts- TerraceUnion- TWU Local 33 HistoryUnion- TWU Local 33 ArchiveUnion- TWU Local 33 Charter/BylawsUnion- TWU Local 33 In MemoriumBC Tel, Operator Services DivisionBC Tel- Operator- KitimatBC Tel- Operator- Other LocationsBC Tel- Operator- Prince RupertBC Tel- Operator- SmithersBC Tel- Operator- TerraceBC Tel- Terrace- Operator Services History BookBC Tel, Employee PartiesBC Tel- Various PeopleBC Tel- Prince George Telephone MuseumBC Tel, Radio & CO Site PhotosBC Tel- Nine Mile Radio SiteBC Tel- Aiyansh Radio Site and COBC Tel- Alice ArmBC Tel- Atlin Radio Site and COBC Tel- Beattie AnclBC Tel- Bell Irving Radio SiteBC Tel- Brown Bear Radio SiteBC Tel- Canyon CityBC Tel- Copper Mountain Radio SiteBC Tel- Dundas Island GroupBC Tel- Gill IslandBC Tel- GranisleBC Tel- GreenvilleBC Tel- Hartley BayBC Tel- HazeltonBC Tel- Houston CO & RadioBC Tel- Hyder AlaskaBC Tel- Ishkeenickh RadioBC Tel- Kemano CO & RadioBC Tel- KincolithBC Tel- Kitimat Radio & COBC Tel- KitkatlaBC Tel- Kitsault Radio & COBC Tel- KitsequeclaBC Tel- KitwancoolBC Tel- KitwangaBC Tel- Lakelse Lake COBC Tel- Lava Lake Radio SiteBC Tel- McLean Mountain Radio SiteBC Tel- MetlakatlaBC Tel- Meziadin Radio SiteBC Tel- Moffat GroupBC Tel- MoricetownBC Tel- Mt GriffinBC Tel- Mt Hays Radio SiteBC Tel- Noble Mountain Radio SiteBC Tel- Oona RiverBC Tel- Pearce IslandBC Tel- Petrel ChannelBC Tel- Pitt IslandBC Tel- Port EdwardBC Tel- Port SimpsonBC Tel- Prince RupertBC Tel- Queen Charlotte IslandsBC Tel- RosswoodBC Tel- Sewell InletBC Tel- SmithersBC Tel- StewartBC Tel- TelkwaBC Tel- Telkwa PassBC Tel- TerraceBC Tel- Trutch Island RadioBC Tel- Tuck InletBC Tel- Unknown PhotosBC Tel- Work ChannelBC Tel- Zymoetz Radio SiteBC Tel, Plant DivisionBC Tel- Plant- Antenna CrewBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- PBX, BTE, Sp ServicesBC Tel- Plant- CT&SBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- I&RBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- Janitor ServicesBC Tel- Plant- Kitimat- Cable Maint.BC Tel- Plant- Kitimat- Central OfficeBC Tel- Plant- Kitimat- I&RBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- MechanicsBC Tel- Plant- Other Towns- Central OfficeBC Tel- Plant- Other Towns- CombinationmenBC Tel- Plant- Other Towns- RadioBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- RadioBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- SattBC Tel- Plant- Smithers- Central OfficeBC Tel- Plant- Smithers- Construction, Ca Maint.BC Tel- Plant- Smithers- Engineering, TechnicianBC Tel- Plant- Smithers- I&R, BTE, Sp ServicesBC Tel- Plant- Smithers- JanitorBC Tel- Plant- Smithers- RadioBC Tel- Plant- Smithers- StoresBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- StoresBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- Test DeskBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- Toll, Toll RepeatermanBC Tel Warehouse FireBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- Building MaintBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- Cable MaintBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- Central OfficeBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- ConstructionBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- Engineering, TechniciansBC Tel- Plant- Terrace- Facility DepartmentBC Tel Northern Radio Dept History, 1960's-2000BC Tel- Aircraft UsedBulkley Valley Light Route Microwave SystemCTR 150, and 400 SystemsDon Parr's Retirement Party, 1988My First Job at BC TelHeavy Route Microwave SystemBC Tel- Copper Mountain RadioBC Tel- McLean Mountain Microwave SiteBC Tel- Mt Hays Microwave SiteBC Tel- Noble Mountain Microwave SiteBC Tel- Prince Rupert Radio and TollBC Tel- Telkwa Radio SiteBC Tel- Terrace Primary Center, Radio and TollBC Tel- Zymoetz Radio SiteBC Tel- Zymoetz Diesel RoomBC Tel- Zymoetz Radio FuelingBC Tel- Zymoetz Living QuartersBC Tel- Zymoetz Radio Access RoadBC Tel- Zymoetz Tramway-GarageBC Tel- Kemano CO and Radio SiteBC Tel- Kitimat RadioNass Light Route Microwave SystemBC Tel- Aiyansh Radio SiteBC Tel- Aiyansh Radio PassiveBC Tel- Bell Irving Radio SiteBC Tel- Brown Bear Radio Site Pg 1BC Tel- Brown Bear Radio Site Pg 2BC Tel- Hyder AlaskaBC Tel- Ishkheenickh Radio SiteBC Tel- Kitsault Radio SiteBC Tel- Kitsumkalum Radio SiteBC Tel- Lava Lake, Page 1BC Tel- Lava Lake, Page 2BC Tel- Lava Lake, Page 3BC Tel- Meziadin Radio Site Pg 1BC Tel- Meziadin Radio Site Pg 2BC Tel- Mt. JohnsonBC Tel- Stewart CO and RadioBC Tel- Tchitin PassiveMeziadin JunctionBC Tel- Mobile Radio Shop- Page 2BC Tel- Mobile Radio Shop- Page 3BC Tel- Mobile Radio Shop- Page 4BC Tel- Mobile Radio Shop- Page 1Nass RoadNass River BridgeNass CampNass StorePrince Rupert Light Route Microwave SystemBC Tel- Kitkatla RadioBC Tel- Pt Simpson CO and Radio SiteQueen Charlotte Islands Light Route SystemRadio Crew StoriesBC Tel- SnowcatsBC Tel- Snowcat Trip 1972BC Tel- SpacetelBC Tel- Summer StudentsCoastal Tropo Scatter SystemBC Tel- Port HardyBC Tel- Trutch Island-Page 1BC Tel- Trutch Island-Page 2BC Tel- Equipment & VehiclesBC Tel History in NW BCBC Tel, SupervisorsCopper RiverGraveyard PointHole in the WallKitsumkalum (Hemlock?) Telegraph StationTelegraph PointGTPR- ContractorsFoley Brothers, Welch & Stewart Company (FWS)GTPR- Last SpikeGTPR- Medical ServiceGTPR- MemorabiliaGTPR- Silk TrainsGrand Trunk Pacific HistoryGTPR- StationsGTPR- 1-Prince Rupert to ExstewGTPR- 2-Shames to CarnabyGTPR- 3-Tramville to TopleyGTPR- 4-Bulkley Station to Fort FraserBC Logging HistoryMiscPrince George Forestry MuseumTerrace and AreaNW Logging Memorial- Usk BCVancouver Island Logging HistoryDuncan Logging MuseumIron River Logging Co. Ltd.Nanoose Trucking Co. Ltd.Nimpkish Lumber Co.North Island Trucking Co. Ltd.Northwest Bay Logging Co. Ltd.NW Bay- Booming AreaNW Bay- CampNW Bay- Equipment - ScenesNW Bay- First Aid, Fire EquipmentNW Bay- MiscNW Bay- TrucksBC MiscellaneousNW BC 1978 FloodTerrace- Berger WWII MysteryBC- Forestry Fire LookoutsStewart- Granduc Mine AvalancheHeritage Day- Terrace RegionNorth Route Service CenterOolichan FishPrince George Railway MuseumBC Postcard PhotographersSnow Train?Trumpeter SwansBig Bar FerryBoston Bar Aerial FerryCedarvale FerryLittle Fort FerryMarguerite FerryMcLure FerryReaction Ferries in BCUnknown FerryUsk FerryCopper / Zymoetz RiverKitsumkalum RiverNass RiverSkeena RiverRivers in NW BCStikine RiverBC Historical ShipsRMS AuraniaSS CamosunSS Prince Rupert-Prince GeorgeSS Princess NorahSteamshipsSS Mount RoyalSS Mount Royal- DeceasedSS Mount Royal- SurvivorsSternwheelersSnow Valley Nordic Ski ClubBC Winter GamesClub HistoryExecutive HistoryHighway SignLodge HistoryMemorabiliaNorthern BC Winter GamesQuestions & AnswersSnow Valley RacesRetired EquipmentHistoric Snow LevelsAnnual Tour De SoupTrail HistoryBritish ColumbiaLand SurveyorsCharles Herbert EllacottErnest Orison WoodPhilip Marmaduke MoncktonFrederick "Fred" NashGeorge Urquhart RyleyAberdeen StationAiyanshAldermereAlert BayAlice ArmAlliford Bay FerryAmsburyAndimaul StationAnyoxAnyox- Picture Page 1Anyox- Picture Page 2Anyox- Reg German Archive PhotosAnyox- Bonanza Mine Accident 1930Anyox- CemeteryAnyox- Hospital & DoctorsAnyox- PoliceAnyox- Post OfficeAnyox- SchoolAnyox- Telegraph & WirelessAnyox- VIP'sEugene Gilbert ArcherEdmund Ernest CampbellCollison familyLaura Fern CrawfordFlewin FamilyHarold Simonds MunroeMyron Knox RodgersGeorge Oscar RudgeOren Barron Smith Jr.Frances "Frank" McClellan SylvesterCharles ToddAtlin CityBarrett LakeBateman's LandingBillmorCarnabyCedarvale-MeanskinishtCentrevilleClaxtonCopper CityDefotDiscoveryDorreenEllisonEthelda BayEvelyn StationExstewFalls River Hydro DamFiddler CreekPort SimpsonGeorgetownGlenora LandingGlentannaHaida GwaiiHanall PointHaysportNew HazeltonOld HazeltonSouth HazeltonHazelton AreaHoustonHubertInvernessKemano- 1954 Phone BookKemano- BeachKemano- Boy ScoutsKemano- Crawley-McCracken Co Ltd.Kemano- Klassen Photos ca 1953Kemano- Leduc PhotosKemano- External LinksKemano- Gov Gen Massey VisitKemano- Men That DiedKemano- Mid 1950's, Walker PhotosKemano- Morrison KnudsenKemano- Morrison Knudsen- Superintendents 1954Kemano- Mt. HoretskyKemano- MV NechakoKemano- Ootsa Lake LodgeKemano- Post OfficeKemano- PowerhouseKemano- PowerlineKemano- Road Building ca 1953Kemano- SS Camosun IIIKemanoKemano- TownsiteKemano- TramwayKemano- TunnelKemano- VIP'sKemano- McNeely Dubose Jr.Kemano- Jim Hanna PhotosKemano- Jim Hanna Photos- Page 2Kemano- Jim Hanna Photos- Page 3Kemano- Ray Edwin PowellKemano- Thomas Raymond WalkerKemano- Jeff WattsKemano- Jeff Watt's PhotosKemano- Wachwas CampKitimatKitimat- The Kitimat IngotKitimat- Post OfficeKitimat- Aluminum SmelterKitimat- Labour-Management CommitteeKitsaultKitselasKitselas- Tunnel ExplosionsEby's Landing- KitsumkalumKisumgallum Basin Petroleum Co. LtdKalum Lake ValleyKitwangaKwinitsa StationLake HouseLakelse Lake ValleyLaketon- Lake TownLorne CreekMcDameNass CampNorth BulkleyPacificPhelan StationPitmanPort EdwardPort EssingtonPorter LandingPR- Albert & McCaffery Ltd.PR- Archive Page 1PR- Archive Page 2PR- Archive Page 3PR- Archive Page 4PR- Archive Page 5PR- Archive Page 6PR- Archive Page 7PR- Archive Page 8PR- Archive Page 9PR- Area CemeteriesPR- City HallsPR- BC Govt Court HousePR- Digby IslandPR- Dodge, Hospital IslandPR- Dry DockPR- Fire DepartmentPR- Funeral DirectorsPR- Grand Trunk Pacific- Page 1PR- Grand Trunk Pacific- Page 2PR- Hotel HistoryPR- KnoxvillePR- Lindsay's Cartage & StoragePR- Miller Bay HospitalPR- Post Office HistoryPR- RiotsPR- Seal CovePrince RupertPR- VickersvillePR- Watson IslandQuick StationRemo FerryOld Remo, Karl MarkiRemoRidleyRitchie StationGeier Photos and InfoRosswoodSalvus StationSealeySeaton StationShames StationSilver CitySkeena CitySkeena CrossingLake Kathlyn Anthracite Coal Company Ltd.SmithersStewartStewart- Bear GlacierStewart- General HospitalStewart-Hyder HotelsMines in Stewart AreaBig Missouri MinePremier MineStewart- NamesStewart- Post OfficeStewart- Superior SchoolStewart- Stewart BrothersThe Portland Canal Telephone and Telegraph CompanyTelegraph CreekTelkwaTerrace- Aerial View, mid 1950'sTerrace- Archive Photos Pg 1Terrace- Archive Photos Pg 2Terrace- Archive Photos Pg 3Terrace- Braun's IslandTerrace- Child Development CentreTerrace- Co-opTerrace- Cramer St.Terrace- Dairy HistoryTerrace- Terrace Drug StoreTerrace BC- External LinksTerrace- Ferry IslandTerrace- First ChurchTerrace- George Little HouseTerrace- Gordon & Anderson Ltd.Terrace- Grand Trunk PathwayTerrace- Hospitals, DoctorsTerrace- Hotel, Motel HistoryTerrace- Kitsumgallum CemeteryTerrace- Lanfear HillTerrace- Military HeadstonesTerrace- Misc InfoTerrace- Post OfficeTerrace- Rieberger PostcardsTerrace and Area- Postcards Page 1Terrace and Area- Postcards Page 2Terrace- Old Skeena BridgeLakelse Lake PostcardsTerrace and Area- Postcards Page 3Terrace- Relay for Life- Team Big HowTerrace- SchoolsTerrace- Fruit GrowingTerrace- Ski Hill HistoryTerraceTerrace- Terrace Calcium ProductsTerrace- Town Plan InfoTerrace- WatertowersTerrace- WWII MemoriesTerrace- WWII No 1 Armoured TrainTerrace- WWII MutinyTerrace- AirportLittle Canyon (Sipkiow)ThornhillTramvilleUsk- Pioneer ChurchUsk- Columario MineUsk- Reaction FerryUsk- Nicholson MineUskVanarsdolWoodcockWoodcock's LandingNW BC- VIP'sAllan Cameron AldousClifton Arthur "Cliff" BaldwinPaul Brodin & Oscar OlanderCharles Seymour Bulkley (Sr.)William "Bill" BuntingAdolph ButzeCharles William Digby CliffordArthur Lee CloreCharles Merson AdamDominic Daniel Joseph Dempsey LoftusDr. William Percy JohnsDr Seymour TraynorDennis Tulley ChristopherEnoch Roscoe Lukens JonesDr. Francis James EwingWilliam Binnie "Tom" ForrestFrank Phiscator Jr. & Sr.George Albert & Jack KerrClair Leon Morris GiggeyFrederick "Fred" HamptonHatt BrothersHugh Bernard Ashton BirchAbner Michael HoweJohn David StuartJames Darius WellsJames Kelso GordonJohn Theodore PhelanFrank LazelleCaptain William Francis MaddenGeorge Alexander McNichollMichaud BrothersFrank W. MorseArthur Marsden PriestleyRev. Thomas Jabez MarshJohn Franklin RichardsonRobert "Bob" RidleyErnest Joseph RowleyEdwin G. RussellPatrick Joseph RyanSamuel Arden SinglehurstSamuel Charles "Dad" WeeksJohn Arthur Clark King SealyThomas Howard "Tom" WalshJoel "Joe" TrulsonWilliam Henry WoodcockDominion Government Wireless StationsGlidden World Auto TourTrade UnionsCalgary Kid, Alfred Allen ErneweinChar Briquette PlantPhil Gent's StoryDragline and Shovel InformationBucyrus-Monighan 5W DraglineBucyrus-Erie 170BBucyrus-Erie 190B DraglineBucyrus-Erie 42B ShovelBucyrus-Monighan 500W DraglineBucyrus-Erie 1570W DraglineBucyrus-Erie 2570W DraglineBucyrus-Erie 320B ShovelBucyrus-Erie 750B ShovelLorain 75B ShovelMarion 360 ShovelMarion 7800 DraglineMarion 8750 DraglinePage 625 DraglineP&H 9020 DraglineP&H 9020 Dragline, Inside ViewsP&H 9020 Dragline, Outside ViewsRansomes & Rapier W1800Mine History in the AreaLeo Van Dorsten Mine Photos, 1923J. B. Adams Coal MineThe Assiniboia and North-West Coal CompanyBaniulis MineBanner Coal Company MineBeamish Coal MineBienfait Mines Ltd.Big Lump Coal CompanyUtility Coals-Boundary MineCat DW20 Coal HaulersBridge Mine No 1Brokenshire MineBrooks & Paluikis MineCrescent CollieriesDominion Coal CompanyDuncan MineEastern Collieries, Page 1Eastern Collieries, Page 2Eastern Collieries, Page 3E. J. Sinclair MineEureka Coal and Brick CompanyExcelsior Coal and Brick Co.Farmer's Coal Mining CompanyFrayne Coal MineDominion Government Coal Test Site #1Dominion Government Coal Test Site #2Great West Coal CompanyHassard Coal MineHavanah CollieriesJenish Brothers MineJulius Mellom Coal MineKlimax MineKonopaki MineLangen MineLee Brothers MineLignite Coal Mines LtdLloyd MineCundall MineM & S Coal Co.M&S Coal Mine-1911M&S Coal Mine PlansJohn Mitchell Coal MineNational MineNicholson MineNortheast MineNorthwest Coal CompanyOld Mac Coal CoWilliam Ostepchuk MinePacific Coal Company Ltd.Palmer MinePinto CollieriesPoage MinePrice Coal MineRiverside MineRoche Percee MineRock Springs MineEdward Siddall MineSouris Coal Mine Company Ltd.Souris Coal Mine- ShandSydney J. Pocock MineSE Saskatchewan Mine IndexSunshine MineTruax-Traer Coal Co.Truax-Traer Coal Co., Page 2Estevan Valley MineWestern Dominion CollieriesWestern Dominion Collieries, Page 1Western Dominion Collieries, Page 2Western Dominion Collieries, Page 3Western Dominion Collieries, Page 4Mine MemorabiliaCoal Mine Owners SE SKAlex C. M. WilsonJoel (Joe) BardsleyIsaac CockburnSir Daniel Hunter McMillanGow FamilyJames Harvey Hartney Jr.Hugh McKay SutherlandMajor James Morrow WalshLeslie (Les) KingdonMannix FamilyMaurice HawkinsonHector James McNeilFrederick "Fred" William NewcombeJames ParkinsonJonas Gustaf PetersonEdward Pierce Sr and JrPocock BrothersRobert WatsonSir Douglas Colin CameronThompson FamilyB. Watt and C. FallisWilliam Lemond HamiltonSir William WhyteMine Photos and HistoryCoalmine Information1927 Map of SE SaskatchewanCannington Manor English ColonyCannington Manor Visit, June 2017Old Games and SongsGTPR Regina Boundary Branch LineGrain Harvesting- Page 1Grain Harvesting- Page 2Long Creek Archaeology ExcavationNor'West FarmerNor'West Farmer Ads, Photos- Page 1Nor'West Farmer Ads, Photos- Page 2Nor'West Farmer Ads, Photos- Page 3Nor'West Farmer Page 275Nor'West Farmer Page 276Nor'West Farmer Page 277Nor'West Farmer Page 278Nor'West Farmer Page 279Nor'West Farmer Page 291Robert Edward TuckerRoche Percee CampSouris River DetachmentWood End MuseumRM #4 CoalfieldsRM #4- Coalfields HistoryScout Hill, Hill of the Murdered ScoutSt. Peter's SpringTelephone History in Saskatchewan1909 Prices ChargedRural Telephone CompaniesSaskatchewan Government Telephone Department HistoryTelephone Executive HistoryAlbany School #1929Anderson School #2694Ansell School #288Arbor Vitae #1253Arthur School #593Auburn School #141Augusta School #2607Berdahl School #1147Bethel School #655North Bienfait School #897Big Butte School #982Black Diamond School #1898Bolton School #2826Boscurvis School #78Bow School #165Britannia School #325Bromstad School #529Brovold School #1446Brown School #1329Bryant School #3505Buffalo Head School #60Carievale School #275Carlton Junction #597Cateville School #1531Cayuga School #940Claremont School #164Coldridge School #242Cote School #928Crooked Creek School #1181Crystal School #942Dale School #1391Dalesboro School #69Dead Lake School #990Defiance School #2612Dewey School #995Douglaston School #568Dungannon School #1597East Star School #4667Edenvaile School #1723Ellsworth School #1860Empire School #199Enniskillen School #4412Ernewein School #2345Fairplain School #673Fern School #496Fife School #1789Florence School #127Forbes School #730Forest Glen School #1801Gilbertson School #1231Glencoe School #1088Glen Ewen School #506Glen Morris School #436Golden Heart School #4766Goshen School #662Green Hill School #497Halbrite School #813Hastings School #1901Hayland School #4139Hazelbank School #1054Heward School #1021Hill Hall School #2381Hillier School #1570Hirsch School #283Hoium School #1376Holmes Lake School #695Hope School #117Hudmore School #1205Ingoldsby School #3798Kimberly School #176Kingsford School #3546Kolke School #2325Lac Qui Parle School #1311Landou School #2024Lebel School #1927Lignite School #1357Long School #3884Lucky School #1981Madigan School #2095Maitland School #858Marconi School #1313Marienthal School #4568Marine School #1997Maxim School #3657Mayflower School #866McColl School # 2539McGregor School #1382Menard School #3544Millions School #625Minto School #490Mizpah School #798Monson School #2469Mooney School #1039Moose Mountain School #162Morrisview School #827Mountain Valley School #1479Mount Pleasant School #558Munro School #544Newlyn School #4604Nygren School #977Olmstead School #1227Omega School #4130Orangedale School #115Ossa School #744Out Of Sight School #1345Palestine School #500Percy School #202Poplar School #801Queen Rose School #1374Ramsay School #576Rasmusson School #1533Rich Prairie School #1103Robinson School #988Roche Percee School #414Rockland School #800Rolling Meadow School #1907Roscoe School # 1100Rosebank School #832Roseleigh School #820Roseview School #795Russeldale #2684Schell School #1022Schneller School #1998Scout Hill School #617Sandringham School #205Seymour School #751Shand School #2927Short Creek School #768Sinclair School #1084Solheim School District #2906Sorsdahl School #523Souris School District #2125Souris Flat School #4226South Alameda School #96South Frobisher School #4167St. Edmond School #884St. Maurice School #4655Stoney Hollow School #4486Stony Run School #1051Sunnyside School #3644Swift Creek School #261Tenold School #1060Thorson School #1013Thunder Creek #262Union School #582Verdun School #3693View Hill School #2507Vineberg School #284Waite School #1177West Carlyle School #312Wheatland School #267White Rock School #2592Winlaw School #143Woodend School #1295Woodley School #5076Wordsworth School # 582Workman School #146Yankee School #1235SaskatchewanAlamedaAlidaAlmaAntlerArcolaArmillaAuburntonAudreyBechardBellegardeBenson 1920-1921 ResidentsBenson Area PicturesBenson Post OfficeBensonBienfait- 1920-1921 HistoryBienfait- 1927 MapBienfait- Miner's Riot, Sept 29, 1931Bienfait- 1955 History BookBienfait Air Cadet HistoryBienfait Business and Residence LocationsBienfait- Earliest InhabitantsBienfait- Early SettlersBienfait Hospital HistoryBienfait Legion HistoryBienfait- Maps in the AreaBienfait Misc. HistoryBienfait- Books-Music-PlaysBienfait PioneersBienfait PoliceBienfait- Rum Running Prohibition DaysBienfait Social Activity PageBienfait Telephone HistoryBienfait- 2005 Reunion Index Page2005 Reunion Organizing Committee2005 Reunion Donations2005 Reunion Guestbook Archive2005 Reunion Picture Page 12005 Reunion Picture Page 102005 Reunion Picture Page 22005 Reunion Picture Page 32005 Reunion Picture Page 42005 Reunion Picture Page 52005 Reunion Picture Page 62005 Reunion Picture Page 72005 Reunion Picture Page 82005 Reunion Picture Page 92005 Reunion Silent AuctionList of Bienfait School StudentsBienfait- Aerial PhotosBienfait- Business AdsBienfait Ads Page 1Bienfait Ads Page 2Bienfait Ads Page 3Bienfait Ads Page 4Bienfait Ads Page 5Bienfait Ads Page 6Bienfait- Business ReceiptsBusiness Receipts Page 1Business Receipts Page 10Business Receipts Page 11Business Receipts Page 2Business Receipts Page 3Business Receipts Page 4Business Receipts Page 5Business Receipts Page 6Business Receipts Page 7Business Receipts Page 8Business Receipts Page 9Bienfait- Civic CemeteryMilitary GravesBienfait- Census InformationBienfait- ChurchesAnglican ChurchUnited ChurchRoman Catholic ChurchChurch- Catholic Church CookbookUkrainian Greek Catholic ChurchBienfait- Cub ScoutsBienfait- Grain ElevatorsBienfait- Library HistoryBienfait- Gov Gen Byng Visit 1925Bienfait- Misc. PhotosBienfait- MuseumBienfait- Area PeopleCharles Edward "Eddie" NorrisCuddington FamilyDoerr FamilyDr. Starling Morris PhotosEddie Norris GangGent- Dr. Sherman FarmLee Leander DellagePaul MatoffPhilip Martins ChristophersBienfait- Post OfficeBienfait- Schools1955-56 YearbookBienfait Town SchoolsBienfait Town Schools- Page 1Bienfait Town Schools- Page 10Bienfait Town School- Page 11Bienfait Town Schools- Page 2Bienfait Town Schools- Page 3Bienfait Town Schools- Page 4Bienfait Town Schools- Page 5Bienfait Town Schools- Page 6Bienfait Town Schools- Page 7Bienfait Town Schools- Page 8Bienfait Town Schools- Page 9Past School Reunions, Page 1Past School Reunions, Page 2Past School Reunions, Page 3BienfaitBienfait- Town Maps 19151915 Town Maps- Page 11915 Town Maps- Page 21915 Town Maps- Page 31915 Town Maps- Page 41915 Town Maps- Page 5Bienfait- Town PicturesBienfait- Train HistoryLocomotive 3522Locomotive 3522, 2000 PicturesLocomotive 3522, 2005 PicturesLocomotive 3522, Train's Last RunBienfait- Video and Misc. LinksBienfait- War MemorialBlewettBoscurvisBradwellBreezeBromhead 1920-1921Bromhead Post OfficeBromheadBroughBrowningBryantCantalCarievaleCarlyle Rusty Relics MuseumCarlyle LakeCarlyleCarnduffCatevilleCedouxChandlerColfaxColgateCoteauCowperCullenCurt HillDalesboroDeborahDouglastonDunningElcottElmoreElswickEskbank1892 History1910 History1911 History1914 Booklet1920-1921 History1942-1943 Photos1957-2007 50th Anniv.Archive PhotosBandsCPR BandECI BandEstevan BandSalvation Army BandBank HistoryBusiness Ads 1954Various BusinessesChurchesEstevan- St Peter's- 50th Anniversary, 1969Estevan- St Peter's-75th Anniversary 1994Estevan- St Peter's-Church Dedication- 1964Estevan- St Peter's-Memories of Rose Gesell, pre 1936Estevan- St Peter's-Mortgage Burning 1979Estevan- St. Peter's- My MemoriesEstevan- St Peter's- PastorsEstevan St. Peter's Lutheran Church HistoryEstevan- St Peter's-Women's Mission Circle HistoryCourt HousesCurling ClubDakota Sept 15, 1946 Crash MemorialDakota RCAF Airplane CrashDoctors, Pharmacists, Dentists & VetsECI AlumniECI Memory LaneECI CornerstoneECI Legacy MemorialECI Teachers and StaffECI-Estevan Collegiate InstituteEmpire Mining CongressFamous VIPs in AreaVirginia, RailcarBastian FamilyHoward Leyton BrownMelville Lubec CobbEverett William CostelloPeter Cuthbert DuncanEli MandelSimon Bolivar ElliottFirst Mayor, Henry YardleyGeorge Benjamin RooksRuby Elizabeth GleiserLauchlan Alexander HamiltonJohn Heber Morris HaslamHobbs and Kelly FamiliesJoseph H. HoolLouie Alexander DuncanEdward Philip LeacockDavid Hamilton MacPhersonMcCormack FamilyHarry Emerson McKenzieCo-Founder John McLeod's MemoirsCo-Founder John McLeod's Memoirs Page 2Co-Founder John Mcleod's Memoirs Page 3McLeod FamilyFarley McGill MowatGeorge MurrayIda Marie PettersonCharles Edmund PhippsMajor-General Cortlandt StarnesDr. Clifford StockwellStorey and Van EgmondJoe TuckerMajor James Morrow WalshMajor Elmer William WhiteFarm Equipment DealersFastball TeamsFire Department HistoryGov Gen Byng Visit 1925Estevan Grain Elevators- Page 2Grain Elevators- Page 1Hillside SubdivisionEstevan 5th Scout-Cub TroopEstevan- My Hillside MemoriesEstevan- Hillside Pictures- Page 1Estevan- Hillside Pictures- Page 2Estevan- Hillside Pictures- Page 3Historical ToursHospital HistoryHotels-Motels HistoryIOOF HistoryMayors, Overseers, CouncillorsMiner's Riot,Sept 29, 1931Newspaper EditorsPost OfficesPower PlantsBoundary Dam Power PlantShand Power PlantPrairie Nurseries Ltd.RAF-No.38 Service Flying Training SchoolEstevan- RAF 38, Biscoe PhotosEstevan- WWII, Airport ViewsEstevan- WWII PhotosEstevan- WWII Plane AccidentsRafferty DamReturn Soldier CarvingSchoolsEstevan- Second Public SchoolEstevan- Central SchoolEstevan Comprehensive School- ECSEstevan- First Public SchoolEstevan- First Hillside SchoolEstevan- Second Hillside SchoolEstevan- Hillside School Closing 2003Estevan- Hillside School Alumni 1958Estevan- Hillside School Alumni 2000Estevan- Hillside School JanitorsEstevan- Mr Doug ThirdEstevan- Hillside School Alumni 2003Estevan Hillside SchoolsEstevan- Hillside School TeachersEstevan- Pleasantdale SchoolEstevan- Scotsburn SchoolEstevan- Valley View SchoolEstevan- Westview SchoolSoldier's TreeSoo Line Orange LodgesSouris Valley Creamery Ltd.- GrundeensSouris Valley MuseumSouris River Valley Archive PhotosEstevan12th Ave.1st St.1000 Block1100 Block1100 Block1200 Block1300 Block1400 Block400 Block500 Block600 Block700 Block800 Block900 Block2nd St.1700 Block200 Block300 Block400 Block500 Block600 Block700 Block800 Block900 Block3rd St.200 Block300 Block400 Block500 Block600 Block700 Block800 Block900 Block4th St.1000 Block, South Side100 Block1100 Block, South Side1200 Block, South Side200 Block300 Block400 Block500 Block600 Block700 Block800 Block900 Block5th St.1000 Block200 Block300 Block400 Block500 Block600 Block700 Block800 Block900 Block6th St.1000 Block100 Block200 Block300 Block400 Block500 Block600 Block700 Block800 Block900 Block7th St1200 Block1300 Block1400 Block8th St1200 Block1300 Block9th St1300 BlockLegal Blocks in EstevanHillside SubdivisionStreet and Lot HistoryValley StreetTheatresTrain Pictures and HistoryUndertakers & Funeral HomesWWI & WWII, War MemorialWWI & WWII Military GravesWater TowersEstlinEyebrowFertileForget-1905Forget- 1920-1921ForgetFort Qu'AppelleFremantleFrobisherFroudeFrysGainsboroughGarwoodGlen EwenGoodwaterGoshenGraham HillGrand ViewGrayGriffinHalbriteHalkettHildebrandHill HallHirsch CemeteryHirsch Grain ElevatorsHirsch HistoryHirsch Personal HistoryHirsch PicturesHirsch Post OfficeHirsch Business ReceiptsHirsch School #283HirschHirsch StoreHirsch Train HistoryHofferHollowayHudmoreHumeHuntoonHyde CemeteryHyde Church HistoryHyde -Family HistoryHyde Pictures-Page 1Hyde Pictures-Page 2Hyde Pictures-Page 3Hyde Pictures-Page 4Hyde Post OfficeHydeInglefordInnesMeridian, aka-JonesKingsfordKisbeyLampmanLemberg CemeteryLemberg ChurchesLemberg HistoryLemberg LinksLemberg PicturesLemberg Post OfficeLembergLewvanLindleyLuxtonMacoun Hotel FireMacounManorMaple CreekMarconiMarienthalMaximMidaleMinardMoose JawMoose MountainsMount GreenNeudorf 1930 PhotosNeudorf CemeteriesNeudorf ChurchesGrain ElevatorsNeudorf Fire DepartmentHistory BooksHistory LinksNeudorf Post OfficeNeudorf SchoolNeudorfNeudorf Town MapNeudorf Village Photos ca 2000Neudorf War MemorialNeudorf- Wendel Family Photos and InfoNewnesNorth PortalNorthgateNottinghamOakleyOpenshawOungreOutlookOutramOxbowParkfieldPatrickPinto CensusPinto- IchthyosauriaPinto Pictures ca2003Pinto Post OfficePintoRaintonRalphRapeardRatcliffeRedversRCMPReginaRicetonRoche Percee 1910 Town MapRoche Percee 1955 History BookRoche Percee- 2009 PicturesAdele Trethart PicturesBrooks Family PicturesRoche Percee -Cemeteries in the AreaRoche Percee Census ResultsRoche Percee Centennial CelebrationRoche Percee- David Tasker PicturesRoche Percee History ArticlesRoche Percee- Ken Friedt PicturesRoche Percee- Martin Nolan PicturesRoche Percee Pictures, ca 1940'sRoche Percee PioneersRoche Percee Post OfficeRobert John Campbell LeeRoche Percee School District #413Roche PerceeRoche Percee War MemorialRoche Percee- Zieglgansberger PicturesRoseviewRowattSanderServiceSouris RiverSt. BoswellsSteelmanStellarton East ValleySteppesStorthoaksErnest Edward PooleStoughtonTablelandTalmageTatagwaTaylorton- 1945 ResidentsTaylorton- Archive Pictures 1Taylorton- Archive Pictures 2Taylorton- Archive Pictures 3Taylorton- Archive Pictures 4Taylorton- Gov Gen Byng Visit 1925Taylorton- CemeteryTaylorton- Char Briquette PlantTaylorton- ChurchTaylorton 1955 History BookTaylorton Names 1955Taylorton Stories 1955Taylorton- John Edwardson FamilyTaylorton- Joseph James PhotosTaylorton- Map PageTaylorton- Jane McElwee MemoriesTaylorton- Post OfficeTaylorton- Black Diamond SchoolTaylortonTaylorton- Western Dominion TippleTaylorton- Twigger FamilyTaylorton War MemorialTorquay 1965 History BookTorquay School DistrictTorquayTribuneUnityViewfieldWauchopeWeir HillWeyburn- Archive PhotosWeyburn- Eaglesham-Hilliar FamiliesWeyburn- Early FamiliesWeyburn- Mental HospitalWeyburn- Post OfficeWeyburnWillmar - WillocksWoodleyWorcesterWordsworthWorkman This list might not be complete due to ACL restrictions and hidden pages. 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