

Cantal, Saskatchewan, Canada

Unincorporated Locality,

Legal status- Hamlet

Location- Section 36, Township 5, Range 34, W

Latitude 49° 26′ 0″ N
Longitude- 101° 56′ 2″ W

Elev-190 feet [58 m] above sea level

Alida SK is 4 miles away.

Catholic Church of St. Raphaël- Cantal (Alida), Saskatchewan, Canada, located here

Reciprocity No. 32, Division No. 1, Saskatchewan, Canada
Next to the Cantal Church, near the village of Alida.

Post Office History

Office Name: Cantal

Electoral District: Moose Mountain (Saskatchewan)

Established -1904-04-01
Closed- 1926-06-01
Established- 1923-10-31
Closed- 1963-09-14

Additional Information: Location - Sec.36, Tp.5, R.34, W.P.M. - 1904-04-01
Source: PSFDS03-(25142)
Item Number: 10945

Name of Postmaster Date of Birth Date of Appointment Date of Vacancy Cause of Vacancy
Joseph E. Donais 1904-04-01 1912-12-23 Resignation
Eugene Lemieux 1913-02-17 1913-06-14 Resignation
Cyprien Bertholet 1913-12-15 1921-06-29 Resignation
Mrs D. Wilcott 1921-10-31 1922-11-08 Resignation
Rev Louis Nadeau 1923-06-09 1923-07-02 Resignation
Oscar Mailhot 1923-09-15 1923-10-31 Closed
Henri Alphonse Emont (reopened) 1879-08 1926-06-01 1950-12-07 Resignation
Miss A.M. Claire Olivine Emond 1951-04-01 1958-06-28 Resignation
Mrs Georgette Marie Mailhiot 1958-08-16 Acting
Mrs Georgette Marie Mailhiot 1959-01-30 1963-08-03 Resignation

Post Office Information Disclaimer:
This reproduction is NOT represented as an official version of the materials reproduced,
nor as having been made in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of the National Archives of Canada.
The source of this material is the National Archives of Canada

Reflections of Reciprocity and Beyond : Alida, Cantal, Auburnton, Nottingham [Saskatchewan] - Volume 1
ISBN 10: 0889256403 / ISBN 13: 9780889256408
Published by Alida History Book Committee, Alida, SK, 1989
Note- I DO NOT have a copy, nor have I seen one.


  • Last modified: 2021/04/28 12:43
  • by dlgent