

Goshen, Saskatchewan, Canada

Located at Section 14, Township 1, Range 34, WPM

Goshen Post Office

Office Name: Goschen
Electoral District: Assiniboia (Saskatchewan)
Established- Apr 1, 1904
Closed- Dec 31, 1916
Additional Information: Sec.14, Twp.1, R.34, WPM - 1904-04-01
Item Number: 19425

Name of Postmaster Date of Appointment Date of Vacancy Cause of Vacancy
William Livingstone 1904-04-01 1906-09-01 Death
Mrs. William Livingstone 1906-11-01 1908 Death
Melbourne Livingstone 1908-05-15 1908-12-14 Resignation
William Jackson 1909-05-15 1916-12-31 Closed due to Rural Mail Delivery

Disclaimer- This reproduction is NOT represented as an official version of the materials reproduced, nor as having been made in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of the National Archives of Canada. The source of this material is the National Archives of Canada

Goshen School #662 -It closed on last day of June. Aug 9th 1915 School was to open with Mr. Charles Beatty as the teacher.


  • Last modified: 2021/05/07 18:33
  • by dlgent