Cullen, Saskatchewan, Canada
A Hamlet in the Benson RM #35
Located on the Canadian National CNR line on map below
Originally on a branch line of the Canadian Northern Railway from Maryfield, to Lampman, then to Radville.
Lampman was at mile 67.4
Bryant at mile mile 83.1
Located at intersection NW-SW Section 7, Township 5, Range 7, W2
27 km North of Estevan, 12 km West of Lampman, East of Midale (2 1/4 miles east of Hwy 47)
Latitude- 49º 22' N
Longitude- 102º 57' W
Elevation 1955 ft
Today located on Highway 361
Part of My Dad's 1927 Map of this area.
Map shows Cullen had a Post Office, see history below
School shown- Hill Hall School, in School District #2381
on SE Section 17, Tsp 5, Rge 7, W2
Grain Elevator
No elevator known here
Post Office History
Moose Mountain Electoral District
Office established Sept 1, 1905
Closed Oct 31, 1964
Former name Benson, changed Oct 1,1911
in 1969 the office moved back to Benson
Sec.34, Twp.4, R.8, W2 - 1905-09-01
Sec.7, Twp.5, R.7, W2 - 1918-01-01
in the Store
Postmaster Information:
Name of Postmaster | Military Status | Date of Birth | Date of Appointment | Date of Vacancy | Cause of Vacancy |
Michael Cote | 1905-09-01 | 1911-05-27 | Resignation | ||
E. J. Houde (see below) | 1911-09-30 | 1915-11-23 | Resignation | ||
Gustav “Gus” Walgram (see below) | 1916-01-15 | 1917-08-20 | Resignation | ||
J. H. Lynch | 1918-01-01 | 1921-02-14 | Resignation | ||
Charles Henning | 1921-04-23 | 1940-10-15 | Resignation | ||
Gabriel Zimmermann | 1940-10-31 | Acting | |||
Gabriel Zimmermann | 1940-11-15 | 1964-10-31 | Permanent closing of Office |
Disclaimer- This reproduction is NOT represented as an official version of the materials reproduced,
nor as having been made in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of the National Archives of Canada.
The source of this material is the National Archives of Canada
Postmaster Genealogy and Bio
First Postmaster- I believe this was Edward J. Houde,
b- June 1881 in USA
immigrated in 1911
sister- Clara Houde, b- Sept 1888 in USA
nephew- Leo Houde- b- Apr 1907 in USA
nephew- Chester Houde, b- Jan 1909 in USA
brother-in-law, Hubert Turgeon, b- Dec 1873 in Quebec
Eva Turgeon, nee Houde- b- Dec 1877 in USA
all in 1911 census Tsp 5, Rge 8, W2
Gustav “Gus” Walgram
He took out western land grant on SW Section 20, tsp 5, rge 7, W2
Origin of the Name Cullen
As far as I know, it is still a mystery who named these towns.
Most in this area, if not all, were named after poets,
and or, writers, but who named them is unknown.
Check my Bryant page, I think it was named after Poet, Journalist, and Editor, William Cullen Bryant