
Julius Mellom Coal Mine

Roche Percee, Saskatchewan, Canada

Julius Mellom Coal Mine

Located at SE & SW Section 5, Township 1, Range 2, W2

  • Opened by Julius O. Mellom, on SW 1/4, the next year after the Bill Druniak mine closed. He dug a vertical shaft in a ravine, near Northgate Struck 2 seams of coal at 17 ft. 3 1/2 ft, and after a clay layer, 18in
  • Coal was hauled to the surface via horses hitched to a cable and a bucket
  • This mine was abandoned and he opened another mine on SE 1/4 and found the same 2 seams of coal, 40 ft into the hill

abandoned after water and cave-ins

  • Last modified: 2017/10/21 11:40
  • by dlgent