800 Block
Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada
Sixth St. / 6th St.
Located East of 9th Ave.
Note- Lot, is Legal Lot Number, for Tax and Registration Purposes, used in Conjunction with the Legal Block Number
# is the Civic Mailing Address of each lot, or combination of Lots, in some cases.
I will be adding historical photos and descriptions of Residences on this block, if applicable.
North Side, East to West- (Odd Numbered Lots)
Block 306, 2 Lots ?, #805-#839, Sixth St.
Lot ?- #805-
Lot ?- #839-
South Side, West to East- (Even Numbered Lots)
Block 24, 2 Lots BC, #828-#802, Sixth St.
Lot B- #828-
Historical- #814-6th St. - First Public Owned Power Plant was located here.
Lot C- #802-