
2005 Reunion Picture Page 4

Bienfait, Saskatchewan, Canada

Reunion Logo

More Old Class Pictures

Class Date Unknown, Possibly Pre 1954

Pictures from Loretta Tucker, Via Vivian Lindblad

1952 Grade 1 (see correction below)
Back Row- Mrs Gough, Ken McCullough, Darrell Mickel, Fred Cuddington, Guy Knight, George Mitchell, Unknown Name?, Johnny Roseberry
2nd Row- Sharon Smereck, Anita Belanger, Gail Bembridge, Sheila Saen, Annette Belanger, Jean Marklinger, Darwin Giem, Ronald (Ron) Widdifield
1st Row- , Brian Weppler (see below) , Bruce Brinkworth, Christina Glab, Carolyn Jardine, Vivian Barker, Michelle Rohatyn, Keith Hedin, Lorne Hirsh (see below) .

Additions/corrections Mar 27, 2019 from Bruce Brinkworth, with thanks
2005 Reunion photo on page 4. 1952 grade 1
1st. row missing name is Brian Weppler (see note below)
The last missing name in the row is Lorne Hirsh

May 20, 1955, 9 year old Brian Weppler sadly drowned in a dugout 1 mile East of Bienfait.
He was survived by his parents, Mr and Mrs Leonard (Len) Weppler, a brother, and 2 sisters.
Mr. Len Weppler was the Bienfait CNR Agent at the time of the drowning.
The dugouts around Bienfait were, and are VERY DANGEROUS, and should not be approached.
They usually had clay sides, and were impossible to get out of.
Rescue workers had trouble with the mud at that time, to even recover the body.


  • Last modified: 2019/03/27 12:21
  • by dlgent