
Hill Hall School #2381

Cullen, Saskatchewan, Canada

Part of my Dad's 1927 Map

Hill Hall School District # 2381
located on SE Section 17, Township 5, Range 7, W2

6 Miles west of Lampman

1924- School Board- Albert Carron, L. Docherty was a former teacher at this school
1927- Miss Edna Rutledge- teacher here.
1939- Peter Schell- Sec-Treasurer , Cullen SK
1945- 21 pupils, grades 1-9- Board for the teacher was offered at $25 1/2 mile from the school
1951- transferred from sub unit 5 of the Estevan School Unit, to Sub Unit 2 of the same unit


  • Last modified: 2021/05/07 14:50
  • by dlgent