Share via Share via... Twitter Facebook Pinterest × BC Tel- Rosswood North-West, British Columbia, Canada Rosswood Before Rosswood area got regular telephones, ca 2000 for quite a few years all they had, was a one line TSL Pay Phone, Located at the Rosswood General Store. I remember knocking on every door in Rosswood when we did the big work order to provide phone service. It was one of the few times I did this, where everyone was eager to tell you everything. Everyone wanted to know when they were getting connected. Photos above courtesy Ron Anderson Collection Photos below courtesy Stan Cook Click to View My Kitsumkalum Lake Valley History Pages BC Tel- Nine Mile Radio Site BC Tel- Aiyansh Radio Site and CO BC Tel- Alice Arm BC Tel- Atlin Radio Site and CO BC Tel- Beattie Ancl BC Tel- Bell Irving Radio Site BC Tel- Brown Bear Radio Site BC Tel- Canyon City BC Tel- Copper Mountain Radio Site BC Tel- Dundas Island Group BC Tel- Gill Island BC Tel- Granisle BC Tel- Greenville BC Tel- Hartley Bay BC Tel- Hazelton BC Tel- Houston CO & Radio BC Tel- Hyder Alaska BC Tel- Ishkeenickh Radio BC Tel- Kemano CO & Radio BC Tel- Kincolith BC Tel- Kitimat Radio & CO BC Tel- Kitkatla BC Tel- Kitsault Radio & CO BC Tel- Kitsequecla BC Tel- Kitwancool BC Tel- Kitwanga BC Tel- Lakelse Lake CO BC Tel- Lava Lake Radio Site BC Tel- McLean Mountain Radio Site BC Tel- Metlakatla BC Tel- Meziadin Radio Site BC Tel- Moffat Group BC Tel- Moricetown BC Tel- Mt Griffin BC Tel- Mt Hays Radio Site BC Tel- Noble Mountain Radio Site BC Tel- Oona River BC Tel- Pearce Island BC Tel- Petrel Channel BC Tel- Pitt Island BC Tel- Port Edward BC Tel- Port Simpson BC Tel- Prince Rupert BC Tel- Queen Charlotte Islands BC Tel- Rosswood BC Tel- Sewell Inlet BC Tel- Smithers BC Tel- Stewart BC Tel- Telkwa BC Tel- Telkwa Pass BC Tel- Terrace BC Tel- Trutch Island Radio BC Tel- Tuck Inlet BC Tel- Unknown Photos BC Tel- Work Channel BC Tel- Zymoetz Radio Site © Last modified: 2018/02/19 10:08by dlgent Log In