
Terrace- Aerial View, mid 1950's

Terrace, BC, Canada

 credit Mel Anderson Tried my best to identify roads and buildings below.Hard to spot roads on a 2D picture, think I have them pretty close now

credit Mel Anderson

Key to numbers above-

  1. Apsley St.
  2. Clinton St
  3. Atwood St
  4. Kalum St
  5. Terrace Legion Branch 13
  6. Part of Army Barracks, Offices etc, still exists as Rec Center for Twin River Estates
  7. Army barracks etc, now Twin River Estates Senior Development (When I came here it was Columbia Cellulose Co. Logging Offices.)
  8. Army Barracks, now Terrace Curling Club (see below)
  9. Sande Overpass today
  10. Servicemen Tent City here, now River Park, Baseball diamond, still in use today.
  11. Old Power Station, identified by Pierre Le Ross
  12. Fuel Depots, all gone now
  13. Grand Trunk Railroad, later CNR
  14. Old Community Hall, burnt down, now George Little Park Bandstand
  15. Old Quonset building, Chances Casino near here now
  16. Lakelse Ave. (part of Highway 16 at that time, from old Bridge)
  17. 2 16's, I can't count I guess?, Sleeping Beauty Mountain, a Local Landmark
  18. Highway 16 to Prince Rupert
  19. Terrace Hotel, burnt down, rebuilt now Terrace Inn, Best Western Inn
  20. Philbert Hotel, later Skeena Hotel, burnt down a few years ago
  21. Old Terrace Transmission building when I came here.Originally an Army building from WWII.
  22. Park Ave, leading up to Birch Ave on the Bench
  23. Greig Ave
  24. Park Ave
  25. Terrace City Hall
  26. (not marked on picture) missed Lazelle Ave between Lakelse (16) and Park (23)

If the photo panned down a bit more, we would see “The Motel”, on Marsh Crescent, Motel, Trailer Park complex, I lived in at one time, early 1970's. This was the original location of George Little's Homestead.

I have had requests for pictures of Army Barracks etc. This shows them all except for the Drill Hall that burnt down, BC Tel had on Birch Ave, on extreme right front of picture. Now all Subdivided up there.

Photo courtesy friend Mel Anderson, here in Terrace, with thanks.

—- Info below added from Maggie Baxter, Terrace, Apr 2013, re #8 on photo above, with thanks!

“sorry forgot this bit of info - the army buildings on the east end of town (where curling rink now is) were used as a school beginning in 1948. It was named Riverside Elementary School and at least 2 of the 3 buildings were in continual use until December 1966. The 1966 -67 classes started the New Year at E.T. Kenney School on Loen Avenue. Riverside was opened for one more school year 1968-1969 for the Grade 8 students of Terrace. There was no room at Skeena Secondary School and Caledonia Secondary had not yet been completed so the Gr 8 classes were housed at Riverside. That was the last year it was used as a public school. I am told that when the Catholic School burned to the ground in the summer of 196?? their students were housed in Riverside while their new school was built. The school was torn down in the late 70's and all that lovely straight grain wood was sold throughout the community where it was re-cycled into sheds, greenhouse and wharves.”

Aerial View of Terrace Postcard courtesy Graham Wojdak, Dec 2014, Mt Remo in the background
photo by W. Mantel, Terrace BC

  • Last modified: 2018/02/20 16:18
  • by dlgent