Share via Share via... Twitter Facebook Pinterest × Table of Contents Archive Photos Archive Pictures Page 1 Archive Pictures Page 2 Archive Pictures Page 3 Archive Pictures Page 4 Archive Pictures Page 5 Archive Pictures Page 6 Archive Photos Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada Multiple Archive Picture Pages, Index Page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Archive Pictures Page 1 Looking West on 4th St, Perry's Hardware half way down on the right. Picture taken from around 11th Ave. in front of the City Hall area. 3rd building on the left at 1132 4th st was George Macready's Men's store built before 1909. 3rd building on the right, barely visible after the large 2nd one, was the Union bank at 1131, 4th st. Next to the Wicklow Center today. Aerial View of the Westend of Estevan ECI on the right, Old St Joseph's Hospital beyond the School Taken in late 50's, early 60's. Section Map showing Area East to Bienfait Mar 1, 1957, Estevan Mercury Headline, Estevan becomes a City | 4th Street at Night. Taken mid 1200 block looking east. Street lights installed 1912-1913 Mar 17, 1894, W. F. Irwin selling Massey Harris Co equipment Aug 20, 1904 Bankers and Grain Dealers spend a night in Estevan. Now here is a Train load of Rich People looking for places to spend their money. On the train: Sir Daniel Hunter McMillan b- January 14, 1846, d- April 14, 1933, Lieutenant Governor of MB at the time John Love, (1856-1939) President of the Dealer's Association; Alexander Ross Hargraft, b- 1860, Harcraft and Co, and President of the Grain Exchange; Frederick Phillipps, b- Sept 1, 1857, d- 1932 President and Gen. Manager, Dominion Elevator Company; Samuel P. Clark, Northern Elevator Company; Isaac Capel Tilt, (1871-1938) Western manager of Toronto grain firm, James Carruthers & Company; A. B. Ellis, of McLaughlin & Ellis Company which controlled a chain of elevators in MN, Iowa, SD, and Nebraska, in US, as well as a line of country elevators on the CPR, in MB and SK in Canada; John Geddis, Crown Elevator Company; W. H. McWilliams, Vice-President and General manager, of the Canadian Elevator Company, the first American owned company, formed in Winnipeg, in 1902, became largest by 1910; John Charles Gage, (1876-1930) of Andrews-Gage Grain Co, became the International Elevator Co. in 1905; Edward O'Reilly, who was previously a rep for James Richardson and Sons, Archibald Dickson Chisholm (1857-1930), W. J. Billington, Charles Alexander Young (1855-1928), all of Alexander McFee & Company; J. J. McHugh of McHugh & Christenson; Frank M. March (1863- ?) of the Export Elevator Company; J. A. Stead, of Stead & Herriott in business as Herriott Elevator Co.; T. H. Hatchard-Osborne, William Linton Parrish, (Aug 4, 1860 in ON-1949) of Parrish & Lindsay, Parrish from ON came to Brandon, MB in 1881, partnered with Norman Heimbecker to form P&H Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd. in 1909 father- Samuel Parrish, Uxbridge, ON, James Hodd, (might have been from Stratford ON) all Grain Men of Winnipeg; Mr. Spencer, St. Louis Corwin H. Spencer? they operated a large grain house in St. Louis; Lake & Dennison, of Chicago; Pieper Dearst, Prince, and Fred Whalen, of Minneapolis; Hon. Rodmond Palen Roblin, (February 15, 1853 – February 16, 1937) for the MB Government; Francis Lawrence “Frank” Patton (1857-1932), manager of the Dominion Bank; Norman George Leslie (1856-1916), Manager of the Imperial Bank; Sir John Aird, (1855-1938), Manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce; William Lee Ball (1851-1919), Manager of the Eastern Townships Bank. June 26, 1893, Qu'Appelle July 4-5, (Monday-Tuesday) 1949 Estevan Exhibition almost broke record attendance of 1948. 8,152 Gate Attendance. 6,051 Grandstand admissions. 8,279 was the record gate attendance in 1948. Improvements they made: regrouping livestock barns spectators stand at livestock ring improved grandstand entrance blacktop surfacing in front of grandstand permanent eating booths lighting in the parking areas and machinery exhibits Buck Steele's “Cavalcade of Stars” who usually did the afternoon shows, and Gus Sun's “Stars of Canada” who usually did the evening shows, were the grandstand attractions. Gus Sun b- Oct 7, 1868- d- Oct 1, 1959 was a vaudeville performer, Juggler, and Minstrel, and became owner of the Gus Sun Circuit. “Wallace Bros. Shows of Canada” managed by J. P. Sullivan, James Patrick (Jimmy) Sullivan b- 1889 in Fargo ND furnished the midway In 1955 Sullivan changed the name of Wallace Bros. Shows of Canada to “World's Finest Shows”. It still travelled by rail, using 50 large boxcars, seven Pullman cars and more than 30 flatcars. The majority of the cars were owned by the show, making it the largest privately owned railway in the country. In 1963 they sold out to “Conklin Shows” Progress printed these articles Good Templar Lodge #78 lately organized is in a flourishing condition It's members number over thirty, and the new ones are constantly being initiated. Mr. F. T. Morton is the worthy Chief. Inspector Perry was here last Friday, and subjected the Police outfit to a thorough Inspection Aylesworth Bowen Perry, C.M.G. NWMP b- Aug 21, 1860 at Violet, ON d- Feb 14, 1956, in Ottawa, ON 1889-1897 in charge of Regina Depot served as the 6th Commissioner of RCMP from Aug. 1, 1900, to Mar. 31, 1923. A Mr. George McKimney just finished the quarantine corrals for a shipment of 300 cattle from the Gretna Quarantine station. They found a skeleton of a man, frozen to death 25 miles SE of Estevan near the Dirt Hills, it was found by a Norwegian. There was a little money, some papers, and a small Bible found in his pockets. Body was identified as Jack Lee June 20, 1903- Willard Parker Anderson appointed Justice of the Peace of Estevan, Assiniboia. Ray Blondeau, Stock Car Racing 1960. “Pete's White Rose” sponsor, #24. Days when the track was where Yardley Place is today, adjacent to King St. In the background you can see the tall vertical wood picket fence that surrounded the track. Also seen in background is the Estevan Water Tower. Picture courtesy my buddy Wayne Wagner. Ex Hillsider like myself.| View of 4th st from the Old Government, Post Office Building View looking north on 12th Ave from 2nd St 2 Pictures above from Lynn (nee Cooley) Kindopp. From her Grandfather, Henry Wilson's collection. One on left was a glass plate photo. Lynn tells me he was a carpenter in Estevan, and built many houses in the town. Thanks for these Lynn. Some of the pictures above were sent to me by Larry Preddy who received them from Alice Pawson. They were taken by J. Hool and sons, but I am unable to find this firm to get permission to print the pics here Others I have found in my travels or were in my Mom's scrapbooks. If any have a legitimate copyright please let me know, and I will remove them. Archive Pictures Page 2 Originally I had the caption for this photo listed as Estevan ca 1926, Possibly the Estevan Brick Plant? But Frank Korvemaker in Regina has spotted the true identity of this photo, “Actually, this is an early view of The Claybank Brick Plant. It may well date to 1926, as the extension to the Hand Mould Shop (not shown in this image) was built around 1927. By 1930, the Hand Mould Shop was extended closer to the Office, and had two chimneys” Claybank Brick Plant is now a National Historic Site, west of Avonlea Saskatchewan It is no wonder why this photo never made sense to any of the Estevan sites. I never heard of this Claybank site, so learn something every day. Claybank Brick Plant Winter in Estevan 1933 Exact location unknown to me. Bird's Eye View of Estevan taken from the top floor of ECI on 2nd st. looking NE Estevan 1926 Mrs Wicklow, July 9, 1929 George Wicklow came to Estevan in 1912 (see below) as Field Superintendent of Prairie Nurseries. George Charles Wicklow b- May 12, 1888, NS ? (death cert says Owatonna, Steele, MN, USA d- Aug 18, 1966, Valleyview Hospital, Essondale, BC, age 78. Apr 10, 1912 he entered Canada heading to Moose Jaw. Show he entered North Portal, Apr 3, 1913 from Minnesota, heading to Estevan. George left in 1935 to Chilliwack BC, working for H.M. Eddie and Co. wife shown as Elsie Dora Jones in death cert. b- 1886, d- 1968 Brother Arthur John Wicklow born Oct 19, 1898, in Owatonna, MN, USA, came to Canada in 1927 thru North Portal Port Father- Frederick “Fred” William Wicklow, b-1865Germany, who lived in Owatonna in 1927, d- 1931 Mother- Louisa W. Wicklow, nee Brou, b- 1867 other siblings: brother- John Wicklow brother- Norman S. Wicklow sister- Ella L. Wicklow sister- Olive Wicklow Wicklow house in Estevan, Sept 6, 1927 House where my Grandmother was nursed back to health in 1918 flu epidemic ←- Mr and Mrs W. H. Turner, neighbours of the Gus Gesell Family, in Estevan House on Valley St overlooking the valley. He had a garden in this lot next to their house William Horace Turner b- Oct-Dec 1871, Canterbury, Kent, England d- Nov 27, 1945 in Vancouver BC, age 72? wife- Mary Anne Turner, nee Cairns b- 1872 in England d- 1953 in BC married Apr-June 1893, in Canterbury Reg Dist., Kent, England William immigrated to Canada in 1905 wife and son Victor Bernard (Bern) Turner, came in 1907 Victor born Apr 4, 1895 in Dunkirk Hill, Faversham Reg. Dist, Kent, England d- Sept 2, 1979 Victor started Turner Electric in 1947 Victor served in WWI, enlisting May 24, 1916 in Estevan Occupation shown as a Moving Picture Operator Served at Vimy Ridge Photos by my niece Dena Gent, 2007 Estevan Area map, courtesy Grant Walker, CA Archive Pictures Page 3 Perry Motors, in Estevan, sold my Dad a 1926 Chevrolet Coupe in 1940 for $55.00 Town of Estevan Tax Receipt Aug 28, 1947 for a lot on 5th Street, between 13th and 14th Ave. Actually a house my Grandmother lived in was located here. $62.50 wow what a deal! Lot 19, Blk 14 signed G. McNeil 1945 pocket ledger cover O.R. Henderson, John Deere Dealer, Estevan Sask O. R. Henderson John Deere Plow Co. Limited 1945 Farmer's Pocket Ledger Orville Rawson Henderson b- June 4,1906, in Alameda SK d- May 11, 1970 Buried in Estevan City Cemetery Father- Thomas Harry Henderson b- May 1874 in Mulnure, ON Mother- Jemima Elizabeth Rawson b- Dec 1875 in ON Spouse Elizabeth Jepson Orville attended ECI Orville had a brother Vanamber (Amber) Henry Henderson b- July 18, 1900, in Morden MB and a Sister- Merle Virginia Henderson b- Sept 23, 1902 in Morden MB Gov't of Sask. Land Titles Office receipt, Arcola, Aug 15, 1947 A. B. Stuart Esq. Estevan SK Lot 19, Blk 14, Estevan B4225 $5.10 Nowadays a Lawyer charges that to sharpen their pencil! Arthur Bertram Stuart b- July 29, 1870 in London England (b- 1871 in one record) d- June 15, 1960 buried in Estevan City Cemetery 1904 he came to Gainsborough as the new Station Agent wife- Irene Johnson Sadler they were married in Gainsborough SK in 1905 1915-1916 and 1917 he was Secretary Treasurer for the RM of Coalfields No 4 with offices at Bienfait Family moved to Estevan in 1918 In 1918 he took the position of Town Clerk and Treasurer in Estevan He was the Town Clerk that sent the telegram to Bienfait, during the miner's strike He was Secretary-Treasurer of Estevan for 25 years when he retired in Dec 31, 1947, and Miss Nora Mather took over the position from him. she was Arthur's assistant for 15 years before that. Picture of an unknown dragline in my mom's album Gus Gesell family in front Snow Drift on CPR near Estevan in 1947 Picture sent to me by Ron Carpenter, with thanks. Monthly meeting of the German Club, in 1934, Walter Fichtemann and my Grandfather Gus Gesell joined 25 others. Now I know my Grandfather joined the German Club in 1934 with Walter Fichtemann, who owned Estevan Greenhouses, and were friends of our family for years. Estevan Bruins Puck Wooden Hangar marked on the side “The Estevan Incorporated Tailors and Furriers, Estevan Sask.” Aug 10, 1905, Estevan Flour Mills started up again. Dr. J. F. Creighton and Dr. F. B. Walsh and Edith Kee Millinery Ads Doctors history in a separate section Edith Kee had a millinery shop on 12th Ave, as well a member of the Baptist Church Teacher of the Fidelis class of 1920 Held the Noble Grand title of the Empress Rebekah No. 23 Her sister Jessie Kee was a teacher in Estevan Her sister Maud Kee was a dressmaker in the shop on 12th ave. Estevan Girls awarded First Aid Certificates 1935 Misses Eleanor “Dolly” Gesell, Annie Sava, and Velma Ingram awarded First Aid Certificates in Moose Jaw Ann (Annie) Margaret Sava b- 1917 probably in Estevan d- Mar 15, 1944 buried in Estevan City Cemetery Velma M. Ingram b- 1917 in Estevan married Norman McMillan Velma Ingram won the Garner shield at ECI for Public Speaking 2 years in a row, 1932-33 Princess Cafe 1951 - Princess Cafe Princess Cafe Located on north side of 4th st. East of 12th Ave. It was located in the Creighton Block 1953 Postcard of the Interior of The Princess Cafe from the Grant Walker collection back of post card After the Green family sold the Palace Cafe, later to become the Canada Cafe, Mrs. Green and Joe Kraft (deceased 1948) went on to build and operate the “Princess Cafe” in 1925. It was located in the Creighton Block. (Now the Wicklow Center), The Princess Cafe was another ECI Alumni Hangout. They operated the cafe until 1946, and then sold it to the Jack Ing family. The Jung family were also involved in this Cafe. Canada Cafe 1940 - Canada Cafe Building 1999 Canada Cafe Located on south side of 4th St. Middle of the block, between 12th and 13th Ave. Lindsay and Patterson operated the first General Store here in 1893. Bought out by Mr. H. King who operated it as a General Store. It later became the Palace Cafe, then the Canada Cafe. While I went to ECI, in mid 60's, it was still the Canada Cafe. 1910 Postcard, Coal Mine Entrance somewhere near Estevan No coal mine name shown sad to say. Postcard Courtesy Grant Walker, CA back of post card Archive Pictures Page 4 The Postcard Pictures below were sent to me by Volker Tobias, who moved from Germany in May 2007, and worked as a welder for Waterflood (Dave Heier). He not only was kind enough to send these to share here, he corrected one of my captions, and added to another. Someone who is new to the country, has more interest in the old Estevan history, than some that have lived there all their life. I can't thank him enough. And glad he has an interest in saving the history as I do. Thanks again Volker! Key to captions for this photo Aerial view of 5th st. in foreground, and 4th street to the south, looking south. Highway 47 can be seen angling off to the east, heading down the valley. Valleyview School can be seen on the left (A). It was built in 1912, by John Phillips. Photo taken from a Grain Elevator, on corner of 5th and 6th, just east of Hwy 47. Rogers Lumber Yards Ltd (D)., would have been Beaver Lumber, in the 60's-90's? , now Home Hardware -ca 2009 Henry Abraham Nash Blacksmith shop on left (B), is actually on the south side of 5th st., hard to tell in this photo. He was born in Mar 1865 in Ontario. Shown as a blacksmith in 1911 census. I believe (C) is the Fisher House on 1st st., again it is hard to verify, as 3D distance in these old photos is distorted. And it appears I was distorted when I wrote the line above. As Ric Littefield spotted in June 2018, the Fisher House is West of Highway 47, so who knows whose house this was. Sorry for any confusion. Thanks for the Correction Ric. This photo is taken looking SE. Key to picture on the left 4th Street taken from between 13th Ave. and 12th Ave., looking East. Same picture as the first school picture, which appears in most Estevan history books. That one was taken in 1890, This one from early 1900's? The taller building with 6 upstairs windows (P) is really a fairly wide building, shrunk down with this camera view, but it is actually on the SW corner of 12th ave. and 4th st, and was P.C. Duncan, later W. R. Whitby's hardware store, Today (2009) this is the location of the Royal Bank. Originally owned, by P. C. Duncan It was a feed store, then General Store. On the left side, at the 2nd telephone pole, just before the board fenced lot (H), which became the Bank of Montreal (H), located at 1205 4th st. we have Stockwells Hardware (G). Built in 1892 out of stone, it is one of the oldest buildings in Estevan. Owned by J. R. Stockwell who died in 1900. Perry's Hardware became part of this building. Perry's Hardware was first called Stockwell and Perry. The fenced lot is 1201 4th st, (H) address of the Bank of Montreal today. Key to the picture on the left ca 1930's, 4th Street looking East from 13th Ave. Here we have a later view of the picture above. Old Customs Office and 2nd Estevan Post Office built in 1912, on the right, (Q) at 1236 4th st. Mike Roche was the First Customs Agent. Orpheum Theatre on the left. (A) at 1235 4th st. Orpheum was built in 1913-14 by Mr. Harry Emerson McKenzie b. Feb 1880 in Ontario Canada. Shown as a contractor in 1911 census. The theatre was owned by himself, and his partner, Frederick William Newcombe, b- Jan 1879 in Maine USA, who came to Canada in 1910. Shown as a brick man in 1911 census. The Theatre was opened Apr 6, 1914. H. E. McKenzie Construction office was next door, to the east of the Theatre. Note the cannon (R) out in the open, next to the old Post Office on the right. If you did that now, the kids would be firing it, at the Orpheum across the street!. P.C. Duncan/ Whitby Hardware building, (L) Aerial view of Estevan downtown, ca-1916 Looking out of an east window, of the old Customs- Post Office building, which was built in 1912, SE corner of 4th st (Q) and 12th Ave. (P) Border Agencies Insurance is in this building ca 2009. It is looking east, with the First Water Tower (G) behind the Old City Hall (E) visible, also on the right, built in 1910, the front of the First Anglican Church (L) in Estevan, Made from Stone, by Mr. George Rooks, St. Matthew Anglican Church, built in 1895, which was on the NE corner of 12th Ave. and 3rd st. The rectory is shown to the left of it here. (K) When they built the new church, St. Giles Anglican Church, in 1920, they just switched locations. The back of a Church, (M) can be seen across 12th Ave from St Giles. It was built in 1903 as the Trinity Methodist Church. Extended in 1907. This is the view in this photo. In 1921 it became the United Church of Estevan, then St Paul's United Church in 1931. It again was extended in 1949. It has been torn down, and the Royal Bank parking lot is there now (2009) Top of the Bank Of Hamilton building, with sign, (F) is visible, where the CIBC bank is today (2009). Valleyview School is seen in the distance. (H) The Fisher House (I) is seen to the right of Valleyview, located on 1st St. J is an unknown business. Livery? (B) looks like CPR round house area. (C) Unknown business, I know I have seen a picture and description, but not clear to me now. Estevan's first school was above the Lindsay and Patterson General store, (D) later site of Greens Music Shop. Mr. Wilson was the first teacher. 3rd building with a sloped roof in the foreground middle, would have been that building. Students entered from the back. The right side of the picture, on 3rd st. shows a stone building. (N) see rooks house below NOT visible, but would be on the right side, is the old stone Presbyterian Church. Too bad the camera didn't pick that up. Maybe there is another Postcard with this view. Every time I look at these old photos, I see something new. 1213-3rd Street, George Rooks House (photos Aug 2009) construction started spring 1893.Built by George Rooks as his home, this was Estevan's 2nd Temporary school. Melvin Rooks lived here as well. Home of Robert Rooks today (2009) North side 1200 block, 3rd St in Estevan, ca 1912, E. R. Davis Postcard, courtesy Grant Walker. Rook's house on right. Also note- on the side of the first building this poster, (A) The Al G. Barnes Circus is coming to Estevan, on Saturday, June 14th! Get your tickets now! I see lions and tigers at least. Al G. Barnes Circus was an American circus operating from 1895-1929, owned by Alpheus George Barnes Stonehouse. After a couple amalgamations, it became part of Ringling Brothers Circus. It is very likely, Andrew King, who owned, Rouleau Enterprise, and Enterprise Show Prints in Rouleau (Dog River?) Saskatchewan, later the Estevan Mercury, and King Show Prints of Estevan, made this large building size poster in Rouleau. They made thousands of Circus posters from 1911-1958, and were known everywhere in North America. There is a permanent display of this man's work, In the Exhibition Center, Art Gallery, east end of 4th st. In my Nor west farmer newspaper online, is a story about Mr King, and the farm he was raised on. These postcards I had never seen before. The quality is super. Thanks to Volker Tobias for sending them to me. Same Postcard from Grant Walker, CA I also want to give credit to the old photographers, who took these photos, and turned them into postcards. Joseph "Joe" Hool (and Son) see my Joseph H. Hool Bio page Edward Raymond Davis b- Dec 6, 1876 in Collingwood, ON d- Oct 3, 1946, in New Westminster BC, age 69 son of John Davis, b- Ireland, and Caroline Gray, b- ON He was a Druggist in Estevan in 1911. He was also married. wife Helena Hunter, b- Feb 1, 1887, Morewood, ON d- Jan 7, 1976, New Westminster BC daughter of John Hunter, and Agnes Hepburn, both born in ON 1921 Davis family were living in Burnaby BC 7 children, 3 daughters, 4 sons. Ellen Rosalind Davis, age 9, b- SK Winston Edward Davis, age 7 in 1921, b- Nov 8, 1915, or Aug 11, 1915 Estevan SK Winston shown as a druggist in 1942, living in Cranbrook BC Lawrence Edgar Davis, age 6, b- probably in Estevan, for sure in SK d- Aug 14, 1977 in Victoria BC, age 62 Kenneth Davis, age 5, in BC Howard Davis, age 5, in BC Ada Caroline Davis, age 3, in BC Dorothy Isabel Davis, age 1 1/2, in BC Archive Pictures Page 5 Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada 2nd St. View, Taken from the corner of 12th Ave., looking West to 13th Ave. and beyond. Photographer E. R. Davis PhmB, Postcard No 221 Sent to me by Volker Tobias, from Estevan, with thanks (D) James Alpin Smith House 1306-2nd Street Aug 2009 It was built in 1905, and can be seen in the distance (D), with it's distinctive porch posts, and beautiful stone work. Stonework by 2 of Estevan's finest stone masons, George Rooks and John Phillips. Architect O. M. Akers, W. F. Hagen Contractor. There was an Estevan citizen, Mr. Akers on First Library Board. Ora Mabyn Akers (1878-1965 James (Jim) Alpin Smith b- Nov 15, 1868 in Halifax, Halifax Co. NS Note- NS birth record shows middle name Alpine, Estevan cemetery records say middle name is Alfred, and he was born Nov 16, 1868 d- May 24, 1947, buried in Estevan City Cemetery Mr. James Alpin Smith Served in 2nd Bn, CMR, He served in the Boer War, Reg #294, Canadian Mounted Rifles, enlisted Jan 6, 1900, discharged Jan 14, 1901. He was awarded Queen's Medal with 4 clasps. Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, and Orange Free State. He was a Sergeant in the NWMP at Macleod, NWT, Reg #1716, age 31, when he enlisted in the Boer War. Dec 29, 1899 he had 14 years in the NWMP. 5ft, 9in tall. Per 1907 article he was a member of the NWMP with Sergeant Lett, and a Rev. I. T. Stewart, from Gainsborough. Referred to as “Jim the Mounty”. 1905 he resigned, and ran the Gov't Liquor store. He was the First S.S.R. Commanding Officer. Shown as Colonel Smith in one article, and Lt. Colonel in a 1937 article. He also owned the Smith Block, on 12th Ave., just south of the old International Hotel, between 5th and 4th st in Estevan. He was voted Mayor of Estevan in 1913. In 1911 Census he was a Wholesale wine and spirit merchant. James was President of the Estevan Exhibition Assoc.- 1916-1920 No children shown, wonder why such a big house for 2? This house was also once owned by the Keith Irvine family, who owned Irvine Drugs in Estevan. A family of 5 children lived in the house at that time. James Smith also was the First Manager of the Estevan Progress newspaper from 1910-1912 His wife was Lillian Frances Smith, nee Moreash. b- 1880 d- Sept 8, 1953. buried in Estevan City Cemetery His wife, Lillian came to Canada in April 1880, Her sister was a Miss M. Moreash, of Halifax NS, who visited her in Sept 1907. They married after 1900, as he is single when he enlisted in the Boer War. James Alpin Smith's Father- David Smith, b- 1841 in Lincolnshire, England Father might have died before 1900. Teamster in 1872, Truckman in 1881, Coachman in 1900 married Matilda Brown Sept 26, 1867 in Halifax Co, NS James was their first born child. Smith family living in ward no 1, Halifax City, NS they also had 2 daughters- Charlotte Smith- b- 1871, in NS Martha Mary Smith- b- Dec 13, 1872, Halifax, NS She married a Mr. Haley by 1944 living in Galt, Waterloo Co., ON David was 26, Matilda age 19 when they married. Jame's Mother- Matilda Brown, (Browne in one record) b- 1848 in Ireland shown as next of kin in 1900, as Mrs. Dr. Gomby, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co., NS. Mother's father- James Brown Mother's mother- Mary Brown James's Grandfather- John Smith James's Grandmother- Martha Smith (B) 2nd house visible on left B, built in 1905, at 1226 2nd st., was Mr John Phillips family home. His family of 5 were born there. He was born Aug 1881, in England, coming to Canada in 1904. His wife was Elizabeth, He was listed as a Bricklayer in 1911 He was the bricklayer of many schools and homes (C) 3rd house on left (C), with just the roof, with dormer, visible, was also built in 1905, at 1234 2nd St. It was the Alexander Edward McKay home. In 1914 he was Chairman of the School Board when ECI was opened. He was born in Dec 1876, in Ontario, His wife was Isabel, He was listed as a Lumber merchant in 1911 (E) The House just past Mr Smith's home (E), with only the roof visible, in the distance, is at 1318 2nd St., owned by Harry Kelly Family, * built around 1910. He was the fellow who owned the harness shop, which later became the Dairy Queen in the 60's. Top of ECI can be seen in the distance, over the houses on the left (F) Beyond ECI, not seen in the picture, in the ravine is the Big Coal Mine, operated as The Dominion Coal Company. Postcards of Houses On Third St., 1300 block From 13th Ave NW towards Westview South side of the street. 3rd house from left, in row above, Richard Kisbey Home 1037 1ST St The Fisher House, built in 1905 by William Kinna, who owned the lumberyard in town Bought by Miss Minnie Fisher around 1910 The Gus Gesell family lived in the upstairs of this building It was a boarding house for years. There was a fire in this house in 1912. It was rebuilt, even bigger. Fisher House, Aug 2009 Aug 15, 1892, Site of Estevan described Aug 16, 1892, Dominion Express Company, opens an office in Estevan Aug 22, 1892, The Estevan boom continues June 26, 1893, Cattle were quarantined in Estevan after they were shipped north on the Railroad. Mr. George McKenzie built the corrals Inspector Wilson, was checking the cattle. Jan 13, 1893, Independent Order of Foresters (IOF) held their first recruiting meeting in Estevan Mr. D. M. Card D.S.C.R. gave the presentation They are divided into 3 Levels Lower Court, which was being formed here, High Courts is the 2nd level, and Supreme Court the highest. Supreme Chief Ranger the highest position, It appears Mr. Card, held the highest office. a 1922 Estevan Bicycle License #81 I've had some unusual photos sent to me before, but this one takes the cake. Where did it hang from? When I lived in Estevan I had a bike license, that looked like a mini version of a car license. Photo sent to me by Grant Walker, from Studio City, LA 3rd St looking West, from 12th Ave., 1924 Methodist, later St Paul's United Church, on right, old Stone Church on left Photo courtesy C. Brace, from the Norman L. McLeod Collection 12th Ave looking south, 1924 International Hotel on right, Empire Hotel on left. (See my Hotel Page for more info) Photo courtesy C. Brace, from the Norman L. McLeod Collection Post Office, Federal Customs Office, and part of south side of 4th st, 1924 Joe Hool Photo. Photo courtesy C. Brace, from the Norman L. McLeod Collection Archive Pictures Page 6 Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada First 4 Postcards below were sent to me with Thanks, by Mrs Jean Dornian, of Liberty SK who lived with her husband John in Estevan from 1948-1988. 12th Ave. looking North from 4th St. ca 1947 CPR Train Station on 6th in distance, On the right, Princess Cafe, in what was called the Creighton block Next large brick building on the right is the Empire Hotel, Then the west wing of the old Creighton Hospital is visible. on the left, hidden by the tree is the Campbell Block on the corner of 4th st and 12th, where Bank of Montreal is today. Next also hidden is the Smith Block, and then the International Hotel. Fourth St. looking East ca 1947, Orpheum Theatre on left. Fourth St. looking West, ca 1955 from possibly the City Hall Location First intersection, on NW corner is the Bank of Montreal The 2 buildings marked with an x on the right burnt down. St Joseph's Hospital ca 1947 with not even a tree around, but strange enough, a window pane removed? Someone making a break for it? CCF Cookbook, 1947 Edition Estevan Ads on right: Gedak Bros., McBride's Store, Mandel & Co., Quist's Groceteria, Clasky & Co., Estevan Motors, S. Mork Insurance Agency, Midale Creamery, Gow's Bakery, Cannington Constituency of Saskatchewan, Charles D. Cuming MLA, Kelvington Provincial Constituency. Note- Estevan Motors Ltd, was started by Robert Sands in 1936, and still in business today in the same location, owned by descendants of the Sand family (2017) Contributed by Jane McElwee Thom (Jan 2013) June 1912 postcard, no 153, Family arriving from Nebraska to Estevan Everything they owned was packed into these 2 wagons, as well as extra horses for pulling the wagons. Can't pin down what street this was taken on. If you can figure it out, let me know please. Postcard was originally sent to Jason Eberle, Briercrest SK. contributed by Grant Walker, Studio City, CA 4th st looking west from City Hall Postcard from Grant Walker, CA Old City Hall, with water tower in behind Firehall doors are partially open on the side, at the back of the building. One record says it was built in 1909, and have seen 1910 in other records. It was still standing in 1972 with discussions to demolish it starting in 1965. The water tower was destroyed earlier in I think 1961. This building was built by Mr. John Philips, bricklayer of many buildings in Estevan Postcard from Grant Walker, CA Waiting at the CPR Estevan Train Station Tame Coyote, W. N. Schultz Estevan 4th St Estevan 4th St. 1957 view “Wolsey & Breeze” were a new Implement dealer in Estevan in 1906 doing research on this name, I found the son of the owner below that was born in Estevan, but was a disgusting person in life. his short bio is below. William August Wolsey (born Woolsey, used Wolsey in Canada) b- July 29, 1870 (shown age 38 in 1906), in Occoman, MN, USA d- May 3, 1950 in Marion, Oregon, USA family immigrated in 1900 (or 1898?) to Canada 1916 shown as Post Master in Torquay SK 1921 he is in Town of Francis, weyburn area, shown as a watchmaker, immigrating in 1898 I show a William A. Woolsey married a Minnie Harder, July 12, 1902 in Meeker, but name has 2 o's here, but pretty sure same man. son of Allen S. Wolsey, b- age 30 in 1875, in NY, USA, and mother- Ellen Woolsey, nee Woster, age 27 in 1875 in Wisconsin USA married Minnie Harder b- age 38 in USA d- daughter- Minnie Wolsey, age 13 in 1906, born in USA had a son William Franklin Wolsey, b- July 4, 1903 in Estevan SK, d- Jan 10, 1973 Houston, Harris, Texas, USA, pretended to be Archbishop John 1, of the cult, Temple of the more Abundant Life, charged with bigamy, and wife abuse, and extortion in the US, fled Canada in 1960. He was alleged to have abused children on the site. this was not a nice guy. went under many alias. Supposedly served in Canadian Army in WWII. 1940 he was charged and was going to be sentenced to 1 or 2 years in state jail for abandonment of his wife and 4 children, 9 years before. the judge wanted to give him 10 years, that is how bad he was. He married twice at that time, with no divorce in between. Assumed name of Dr. Bennett Biopsycologist. He was a former South Milwaukee labourer. In 1951 he showed himself as Dr. William Franklin Wolsey, with the following title letters underneath, BP D, DD, Sc M, Ph D. and all I am sure was pure BS. He just made up a life. I even have trouble researching jerks like this. daughter- Minnie Verona Louise Wolsey, b- Sept 26, 1906, Estevan SK To the top © Last modified: 2025/02/07 17:25by dlgent Log In