Prince Rupert

Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada

Prince Rupert BC

Please Note- I have these Prince Rupert Archive Picture Pages online to promote the great History of this area, NOT to compete with any Local History Group.
I encourage everyone that goes to Prince Rupert, to visit the PR Archives and Museum there, as well as the Fire Dept. Museum, Prince Rupert Museum, and North Pacific Cannery Museum.

I do NOT promote the Businesses of today, only the past great history.
My pages are to get you interested, The Local Historical Groups will take care of the rest.
If you can't visit San Francisco, then visit Rupert, to me it is a close second.

Prince Rupert, An Incorporated City, Mar 10, 1910

Range 5, Coast Land District

Chatham Sound

550 miles N of Vancouver BC

Lat- 54º 18' 46“ N
Long- 130º 19' 31” W

Terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad, Site chosen by President of the Grand Trunk, Charles Melville Hays.

Charles Melville Hays
b- May 16, 1856 in Rock Island, Illinois, USA
d- Apr. 15, 1912 on board the RMS Titanic, when it sank, age 55.
Body recovered and buried in Montreal, Quebec

Had a frontage of 6 miles on the harbour

1906 Townsite / Harbour surveyed by George Blanchard Dodge, DLS
Department of Marine and Fisheries, Dominion Government Land / Hydrographic Surveyor, and Civil Engineer.
George Blanchard Dodge
b- Aug 18, 1873 in Halifax, Halifax, NS
d- Oct 4,1945 in Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa ON
Dodge Cove and Dodge “Hospital Island” Island named after him.
He worked for the British Hydrographic Survey in Newfoundland for many years before transferring to the Canadian Hydrographic Survey. He worked for them for 5 years,
then joined the Topography survey, Division of Dept of the Interior, In 1908 appointed chief of the Special Survey Division of this Dept.
Retired in 1936. During the war he worked for Ontario Hughes Owen Co.

George married Grace Semple

George was the son of Dr. Stephen Dodge, Physician, and Florence Dodge, who were married Sept 15, 1864

Dodge was assisted by:
P. C. Musgrave
Capt. Philip Craustain Musgrave, (Lt. Cmd. RN)
b- ca 1866
d- Feb 17, 1920 in 1920 in Victoria Hospital (Esquimalt), age 54

H. D. Parizeau
Henri Dalpe Parizeau, M.B.E.
b- Dec 31, 1877 in Montreal, Quebec
d- July 26, 1954 St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria BC, age 76

and L. R. Davies Louis Ramsbothan Davies
b- Aug 17, 1885, in London England
d- Apr 22, 1964, Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria BC, age 78

Wharf and Harbour Prince Rupert, May 1908
courtesy Grant Walker, CA, Jan 2015

Name of Prince Rupert, was chosen by a Public Competition, with a lady in Winnipeg winning.

Named after the cousin of King Charles II of England
Prince Rupert
b- Dec 18, 1819 in Prague
d- Nov 29, 1682 in England
The Founder and First Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company

Population in 1909= 3,000

Rupert consisted of approx. 2,000 acres

Prince Rupert Postcard, ca 1910
Postcard courtesy Grant Walker, CA
Interesting view of Rupert's higher area, 5th ave etc. showing the Catholic and United Churches, in the middle, and Fire Hall and City Hall on Fulton, plus Savoy Hotel
can be seen on left side, in the lower Business Section. Seal Cove area would be in the far distance.

Nov 10, 2017- All pages for Prince Rupert are now moved and revised. Please check them all out.

Hotel History

Post Office History

Grand Trunk Pacific Page 1

Grand Trunk Pacific Page 2

Miller Bay Hospital

Prince Rupert Dry Dock

BC Govt. Court House

Fire Department

Prince Rupert City Halls

Rupert Riots

Funeral Directors



Seal Cove

Watson Island

Area Cemeteries

Dodge- Hospital Island

Lindsay's Cartage & Storage

Albert & McCaffery Ltd

Digby Island

Archive Photos
Page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5- 6- 7- 8- 9


SS Prince Rupert, GTP Steamship

First Around the World Flight

Note- the First Around the World Flight link, will take you to my BC Coastal Airline History web site.
The reason it is here, is their flight plan included Prince Rupert, the only stop in Western Canada.
Mayor Newton greeted the 4 fliers at Seal Cove.

Ext Links
note- these are NOT my sites
Links may or may not work in the future
as I do not control these web sites.

I encourage everyone to visit the Prince Rupert Archives for more Local History

Also a trip to the Museums there, would be in order, and recommended.

My information is to augment what they do, not replace it.

See Duplicates online?
Note- You will see some of the same pictures, on other Archive / Museum sites online.
(Without my Watermarks, and Copyright Information obviously.)
Reason- Most of these photos were commercial postcards, and multi copies were made and sold.
All have different writing on the back is the difference.
I don't include all the backs to save bandwidth, but have them in my data.
I hope they, and others, Do Not Steal mine!
I know for example the Archives purchased all of Fred Button's Postcards, so the few I have online of his, they will have as well.
If you want a copy of these, please ask them, not me!
My site is NOT intended to be a photo sharing site.
Contact other sites, if you want copies of pictures.
My pictures are there to explain the history on that certain page.

Daily News Newspaper Online (1911-1954)

“Birth of a City” Book
"Birth of a City" Book
No I didn't take information from this, or any other Rupert book published in the last 50 years+. This link is for you and them, not me!

Prince Rupert City's Official Web Page
Again, I am not affiliated in any way with the City of Prince Rupert, or any of the present day business's located there.

I also encourage a visit to the BC Archives
They also have lots of Pictures, Postcards, and other documents pertinent to Prince Rupert and area.
Again, I do NOT use their photos.

and last, but not least
Canada Library and Archives
I have used a couple of their photos here and there, with proper sources underneath.
I only use one of their photos if none other available elsewhere.
Note- they now have the Canada Census, on their site which is a great resource.
Plus some Ship lists now. Getting better and better all the time.
