Roche Percee School District #413

town name

Mar 23, 1896 a ratepayers meeting was held to discuss forming a School district in the area.
Elected Trustee- John Little, William A. Russell, and George Wiegand were elected.

Apr 8, 1896 the Roche Percee School District #413 of the NWT was legally formed.

Included area in the District-
West Half of Section 29, and all of Section 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 in Township 1, Range 6, W2
Sections 3-10 inclusive, and 15 to 18 inclusive, Township 2, Range 6, W2
Section 25 and 36, in Township 1, Range 7, W2
Section 1, 12 and 13, Township 2, Range 7, W2

July 14, 1905 the boundaries of the Roche Percee School District #413 were altered.

School History written in 1955
