1200 Block

Third St. / 3rd st
Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada

Note- Lot, is Legal Lot Number, for Tax and Registration Purposes, used in Conjunction with the Legal Block Number
# is the Civic Mailing Address of each lot, or combination of Lots, in some cases.

I will be adding Historical photos and descriptions of Residences /Businesses on this block, when I get a chance.

North Side, 1201-1237, Part of Block 43 (Odd Numbered Lots)

Lot 21- #306 & #310 12th Ave.

Lot 22-

Lot 23-

Lot 24- Block 43, #1213 3rd st. George Rooks Home, Stone house built by Co-Founder of Estevan, George Rooks, Stone Mason, one of the First buildings in Estevan. Heritage Walking Tour Book says the building was built in the Spring of 1893. One of 4 Stone buildings left in Estevan. Estevan Heritage site.

Rooks House ca 1912, from E.R. Davis Postcard #111, courtesy Grant Walker

Lot 25- #1217- Charles D. Griffith, Postmaster, lived here in 1921 ; Ewart Reid, Collection clerk, Bank of Hamilton lived here in 1921

Lot 26, Block 43, #1221 3rd st. per Heritage Walking Tour Booklet, built in 1910 by Mr. Whitlock. He built 2 other houses same time. Brickwork was done by John Phillips. Henry Whitlock was living in Estevan as early as 1901, 1911 census says he was a carpenter, b- Jan 18, 1847 in Pickering, Durham, ON. d- Apr 2, 1924, in SK, Buried in Alameda SK., married Sarah Elizabeth Whitlock, nee Gilbert, May 25, 1874, Southwold Township, Elgin, ON, b- Apr 9, 1856 in Dunwich Township, Elgin, ON,. d-Apr 23, 1918 in SK. ;
Lewis Hirt family lived here in 1921, He owned the Leader Store at #1120 4th St.
Estevan Heritage site

This view is from an E. R. Davis Postcard ca 1912, courtesy Grant Walker

Lot 27- #1225-

This view of what I think is house #1225 3rd st is from an E.R. Davis Postcard #111, ca 1912, courtesy Grant Walker
From description above this house is very similiar in design to #1221, dormer, open porch, and slightly taller roof are the few differences. Both had same 2 windows in front.

Lot 28- #1229- Edward Rooney family lived here in 1921, shown as a farmer. b- age 76, in ON, with Wife- Rose Ann Rooney, b- age 72, in ON

Lot 29- #1233- William Kitchen, here in 1931

Lot 30- #1237- Odd Fellow's Hall was situated here for years. It originally was the CPR Express shed, from 6th st. John Phillips and George Rooks, did the Brick veneer work on the building, after it was moved ; In 2017 this lot holds a condo apartment complex.

South Side, Block 53- Lot 1-10, #1202-1238 (Even Numbered Lots)

Lot 1- #1238- 3rd St. - built by W. W. Lynd KC for his wife Nefia Lynd, nee Westover, Per Historical Walking Tours
It was one of the only Spanish Influenced Architecture in the City at that point in time
It still has the curved tops on the front windows
William Wallace Lynd QC
b- Aug 16, 1891, Scalty, County London Derry, Ireland
d- July 16, 1992 in St. Joseph Hospital, in Estevan
buried in Pender Island Community Cemetery
Father- Thomas Lynd, living in Moosomin Oct 17, 1916
when William enlisted in WWI, Rank- Lieutenant, Reg # 276070

Lot 2- #1234- Dr. Edwin Thomas French, Medical Doctor, family lived here in 1921. b- Dec 5,1884 in Boissevain MB, enlisted in WWI in 1917. Wife- Berta Emmard French, b- age 31, in ON., children: daughter- Elizabeth Jane French, b- age 6 in SK, son- Edwin Thomas French, b- age 3 in ON. Both parents of Edwin were Irish.

Lot 3- #1230- Ewald Meier, Truck Driver for Imperial Oil, (located at 6th st, and 9th Ave), lived here in 1921, b- age 37 in Russia. Immigrated in 1904. Wife- Adela Meier, b- age 31, in Russia. Immigrated in 1908. Children: Agnes, Edwin, Hilda Gard, Florence, Gerald, and Marvin, all born in SK.

Lot 4- #1226- Mary Lawrence, a widow, operated a Rooming House here. b- age 36, in Scotland, 2 sons and a daughter lived there as well,- George, Isabelle, and Robert, all born in Scotland. They immigrated in 1913.

Lot 5- Block 53, #1222 3rd St.- Heritage Walking Tour Book, says This Red Brick House was built in 1909, by John Phillips, for Ernest Harold Scott, Estevan's First Doctor and Postmaster
John McLeod family lived here in 1921, b- age 61 in ON, Butcher, owns his own shop. Wife- Sarah Hanna McLeod, b- age 55, in ON, children: son James Lawrence McLeod, b- age 20 in SK, daughter, Esther Grace McLeod, b- age 17, in SK.
Walls are 2 ft thick Prairie field stone. Building has a Curved Wooden Porch, still visible today, 2017. Estevan Heritage site.
this house being built ca 1909, workers on the roof in this photo, curved porch not added yet.

Lot 6- #1218- Robert John Lee Family lived here in 1921, b-age 47, in Scotland, immigrated in 1907. Mine Inspector. Wife- Mary Lee. b- age 44, in Scotland, children: daughters Isabelle Lee, b- age 18 in Scotland, and Rose Lee, b-age 5 in AB. Helen Lee, teacher at ECI was also his daughter. ; Frank Abbott lived here in 1955- He owned Avenue News

Lot 7- #1214-

Lot 8- #1210- Arthur Charles Hill, lived here in 1921, Superintendent of Sask. Govt. Employment Office, located at 1139 4th st. b- age 33, in England, He immigrated in 1898. wife- Edith Irene Hill, nee Rooks, b-Mar 18, 1890, in RM of Arthur,MB, d- 1977- children: daughter, Jean Irene Hill, b-Dec 5, 1916 in Winnipeg, MB, son Reginald Lester Edward Hill, b- 1920 in SK.

Lot 9- #1206

Lot 10- Block 53, #1202-3rd st. Old Stone Church, Original name- Westminster Presbyterian Church, corner of 12th Ave and 3rd St., Built in 1902-1903, by Stone Mason, George Rooks, One of 4 stone buildings left in Estevan. Dr. Carmichael officiated at the opening ceremony. Rev. A. T. MacIntosh was the First Pastor. ; 1949- to 1960's, it was the Salvation Army Church ; now a Gift and Tanning shop (2017) ; Heritage Walking Tour Book, says this is the one building, in this part of Estevan, built “square to the world”. The front door faces True North. Originally had a tall steeple that was damaged in a wind storm, and removed in early 1930's. Estevan Heritage Site.

also #232 12th Ave. behind #1202