Table of Contents


Dalesboro, Saskatchewan, Canada

An Unincorporated Locality

Originally located in Assiniboia District, NWT

in RM Moose Creek #33

Located at NW Section 12, Township 6, Range 3, W2

Latitude- 49º 28' N
Longitude- 102º 15' W

13 km - 8 mi from Wordsworth
19 km - 12 mi from Carlyle

Dalesboro- part of the 1888 NWMP map in Estevan NWMP Museum,
Copy in Trooper & Redskin Book, by John G. Donkin

Part of My Dad's 1927 Map of this area.

One of the few localities not on a Railroad.

Area named Dalesboro, by Mrs. Wesley “Wes” Darby and William Pender Watson (Sr.), Genealogy below (per Carlyle History Book) Why this name is unknown to me.

1882 these men, and others, came from area around Guelph, ON


Dalesboro Cemetery
Located in RM #33
on Highway # 702, I think?
SW Section 15-Township 6- Range 2- W2
3 1/2 miles straight East of Dalesboro
(3 miles East of Highway # 9)
found a burial online for 2011, so still in use it seems.
Dalesboro United Church shown. built in 1900
about 2 miles West of Moose Mountain Creek
shown on map on right side.


The Dalesboro School, School District #69 started out as a log structure in 1885/6 and then wasdestroyed in a prairie fire a few years later. 2nd School built in 1900, burned down Dec 1946

School 1- Dalesboro school above ?

School 2- Green Hill School, no 497
shown on SW Section 13
original land grant, NE Section 11, Tsp 6, Rge 3, W2

Pioneers, Early Settlers

Mr. Archie Johnstone
Mrs. Annie MacDonald
Jerry Coffey
Mr. Frank George
Mr. Frederick "Fred" Watson
William Richard Watson
Mr. Alexander "Alex" Cameron
Mr. H. McKeen
William Pender Watson
Wesley "Wes" Darby

Postmaster History

Name of Office: Dalesboro
Federal Electoral District: Assiniboia (SK)
Office Established Sept 1, 1884
on Sec 30, township 5, Range 2, W2
Office Closed Jan 18, 1947

Postmaster Information:

Name of Postmaster Military Status Date of Birth Date of
Date of
Cause of Vacancy
John Morrow 1884-09-01 1885-06-09 Resignation
Henry C. Disney (see below) 1885-07-01 1894-05-25 Resignation
Emma Ross 1895-04-01 1896-09-14 Resignation
Mrs. Susanna Eaton (see below) 1897-01-11 1936-09-07 Death
Leslie Arthur Jas. Eaton 1936-09-08 Acting
Leslie Arthur Jas. Eaton 1936-09-28 1939-10-24 Resignation
Vacancy cancelled 1947-01-18

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Henry C. Disney
Susanna Jane Eaton, nee Watson
Leslie Arthur James Eaton
