Bienfait Telephone History

Bienfait, Saskatchewan, Canada


(History from the 1955 History of Bienfait book), with my additions &corrections

*Party lines were operated on the principal of distinctive rings
-one farmer would be 1 short & 1 long (or 1 short ring and 1 long ring)
another might be 2 longs and 1 short, etc etc.
The ringing generator was a crank on the side of the old telephone.
All long distance calls were handled by an operator, from a cord board.

A Mrs. Malarty, was an Operator, ca 1924
Ken Johns married her daughter Kathleen Malarty in 1924.

On the May 1st, 1915 map the Telephone Exchange, was located in Block 4, at lot 224, on Railway Ave.,
between Main St. and Walsh St.
It was in this location in the 30's as well, and probably later.

This is the style of phone we had on our farm in the 50's
