North West, British Columbia, Canada
1978 Flood,
Northwest, BC
One of the worst floods in Northwest BC occurred in the fall of 1978.
Many Roads, Bridges, and other things, were destroyed.
All Photos courtesy Brian Wolfe, Ladysmith, BC
One of many major bridges wiped out in the area.
Dudley Little New Skeena Bridge, and Old Skeena Bridge, Fall 1978
Looks Like Parks Office on Highway 37
CNR Train in the mud
BC Tel Tramway over Copper River at Zymoetz

Skeena Bridges

BC Tel Zymoetz Garage up the Copper River

What is left of North side BC Tel tramway at Zymoetz, a panel truck was sitting there as well, it went down river in the flood.
South half of BC Tel Tramway at Zymoetz
Skeena Bridges
Copperside Subdivision